NEW website look portrays Synergy message

NEW website look portrays Synergy message

The formula for a healthy, successful, more purposeful life begins with Synergy.

Wellness today isn’t just about living longer. It’s about living better. At Synergy, we unlock your true health and lifestyle potential, empowering you to live a remarkable life.

Today, we’re pleased to introduce a new look and feel to the Synergy website that portrays this powerful message through key branding elements that visually connect visitors to Synergy WorldWide’s mission.

Check out the new now.

Here’s a quick overview of some of the primary enhancements you’ll notice.

Mobile Optimized


Put away the laptops because now you can shop and enroll with Synergy on your mobile device. This has been a long time coming and we appreciate your patience as we’ve worked to enhance this particular user experience.


Synergy’s primary color has been updated to the brighter blue that you see throughout the site’s new look. This does not mean that the previous darker blue color is going away; in fact, it will still be used as Synergy’s secondary color.

Hexagon ‘S’ Icon


This icon does not replace the Synergy logo as you know it today. Instead, the “S” will be used as a secondary branding element used in conjunction with the Synergy logo.

Building Blocks

The building block pattern that you see on the homepage ads is a graphic element Synergy will use in correlation with its visual brand. This pattern is a modern design inspired by the Synergy molecule pattern that enhances a message of connectivity and science. Each block provides a foundation for another and conveys a message of strength and growth.

Molecule Pattern


Synergy’s molecule pattern has been a foundation of its brand for years. We updated the pattern to a more modern design that will continue to convey a message of science and innovation.
Check out the new now

March 2015 ‘Feeling Lucky’ with Nobel-winning science

‘Feeling Lucky’ with Nobel-winning science
With only a week left to take advantage of the Feeling Lucky product promotion, we want to tell you just how lucky Synergy WordWide is to have products formulated with ingredients backed by Nobel-prize winning science.


Both products in this month’s special—Liquid Chlorophyll and Core Greens—contain the health-promoting ingredient chlorophyll, a green superfood.

Chlorophyll was first isolated in 1817 and in 1883 was noted to be involved in photosynthesis. In 1815, a German chemist named Richard Willstätter won a Nobel Prize for his chlorophyll discoveries. He found that the structure of chlorophyll and hemoglobin, the red pigment found in human blood, were strikingly similar, and even dubbed these compounds “life’s most vital pigments”. Both molecules share a similar structure made up of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen while chlorophyll contains a single atom of magnesium and hemoglobin contains a single atom of iron.

Willstätter also determined that chlorophyll’s bond is so strong that the magnesium cannot be liberated from the molecule, even by the action of a strong alkali—a soluble salt substance. He then found a process that allowed him to prepare pure chlorophyll in large quantities.

In case you thought ProArgi-9+ was the only Synergy product containing an ingredient that has received the highest scientific praise, now you know. Synergy WorldWide is privileged to have a brilliant research and development team with knowledge of the most potent and effective ingredients that can contribute to maximum health.


Thanks to Willstätter and Synergy’s R&D scientists, we reap chlorophyll’s health benefits by simply mixing Liquid Chlorophyll with water or taking a Core Greens capsule once per day.

The Feeling Lucky promotion ends March 31. Experience the benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll and Core Greens at a discounted price today.


Explore the new Hughes Center at BBC 2015

 Explore the new Hughes Center at BBC 2015
By registering for the 2015 Business Builder Conference, you will be given the opportunity to tour the highly touted Hughes Center for Research and Innovation. This will be the first time that Hughes Center scientists conduct organized tours exclusively for Synergy Team Members and you can be part of it! However, you must register promptly at 9 a.m. on April 15 as tour openings will go quickly.

Synergy WorldWide’s commitment to provide you with unquestionably pure products is as strong as it has ever been and is only growing stronger. Together, Synergy and Nature’s Sunshine Products are at the helm of pioneering research in the health supplement industry with the newly opened Hughes Center for Research and Innovation.
The Hughes Center is the hub of Synergy WorldWide’s new product development and its staff of scientists is utilizing advanced technology to further verify the identity, purity and potency of individual constituents. Our team of scientists will work to discover powerful ingredient combinations and create unique formulations that will undergo clinical studies to confirm their safety and efficacy.

Now, you can easily share the great news of the center’s grand opening with everyone you know and even learn a few facts about the facility for yourself in preparation for your tour in June.

Click here to download and print a shareable flier!

Learn more about the Hughes Center grand opening here.

SLMsmart Spotlight Brook Strebe

 SLMsmart Spotlight Brook Strebe

Many terrific men and women are now participating in the second month of the SLMsmart Challenge. Though the process of developing new, healthy lifestyles can be difficult, it has been great to see the positivity and enthusiasm coming from many of our Challengers.
For example, Brook Strebe of Arizona speaks highly of her SLMsmart experience so far. One of the best parts of her journey has been the involvement of her husband/fellow challenger Nathan Strebe. “Having someone supporting you, keeping you accountable and helping you along the way is so valuable,” Brook said. “That has been very helpful to me.”

Both of them have already begun experiencing benefits of the Challenge beyond weight loss. Nathan, for example, won $250 on his Scratch & Win card. Brook won a t-shirt on her card… and though that may seem small by comparison, she’s grateful for the rewards of the Challenge more valuable than cash.

“I have been surprised,” wrote Brook “at how my strong sugar cravings, like wanting cookies, cakes or candy, are gone. My body feels satisfied and I actually don’t want it. Never felt this before. I sometimes feel bad when I am at a party and everyone offers me all this junk food or high carbs that taste so good and I always turn it down.”

You can read more of Brooks thoughts about the SLMsmart Challenge below:

What advice would you give to someone new to SLMsmart and the SLMsmart Challenge?
“The advice I would give is to never give up, and that preparation is most important. Stay connected to someone else in the group for support. Be kind to yourself! You are worth it!”

What tool or product has been the most useful to you so far?
“The SLMsmart Health Shake.”

Other thoughts?
“I have to say I have learned a lot about myself. I have never really and truly eaten so clean for this long and not gone crazy with cravings, and to be able to have success in losing weight. It’s amazing! And I feel so great! This has been very emotional, more so than I thought it would be. I am learning so much about me. I love this experience. I am looking forward to month two and taking this to another level.”

More spotlights coming soon! It’s not too late to start your own SLMsmart Challenge. For more information, click here or contact Customer Service at (801) 769-7800.

Watch: March 2015 CoreGreens & Liquid Chlorophyll Webinar

Watch: CoreGreens & Liquid Chlorophyll Webinar
Did you miss last week’s webinar? Dr. Matthew Tripp, Chief Scientific Officer for Synergy/NSP, explained some of the fascinating science behind CoreGreens and Liquid Chlorophyll. Additionally, he gave a quick update on the newly-opened Hughes Center for Research and Innovation. View the webinar below, or check the Resources tab of this blog for this and other recordings.

Ready to activate your NRF2s? Ready to get the gears of your body’s clock functioning? Don’t miss the Feeling Lucky special. For details click here.