PowerUp your Brain- Dr. David Perlmutter- C2C 6 Feb. 2011 (4 of 6)

Power Up Your Brain Promoting an excellent show www.coasttocoastam.com Neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter discussed how the brain can be enhanced to open pathways for optimal functioning and health, as well as enlightenment. He spoke about the importance of neuroplasticity– the ability of the brain to rewire itself and make better connections, and outlined a number of techniques to achieve this. Meditation, for instance, makes the brain work more efficiently, and reduces levels of harmful cortisol. Interestingly, he noted that spiritual experiences, such as prayer and meditation, have now been shown to take place in certain parts of the brain through MRI and other tests. Certain supplements can act as “epigenetic” factors, turning on gene pathways that can, for instance, increase production of antioxidants in the body. These include turmeric, and DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid found in products like fish oil. He suggested fasting once a month, which turns on several important gene pathways that increase neuroplasticity. One of the most powerful epigenetic factors is physical exercise, he added. Dr. Perlmutter also talked about the importance of Vitamin D to brain function, and noted that people with Alzheimer’s and autism typically have lower levels of it. Additionally, he touched on how the human brain has evolved, with primitive reptilian functions (such as fight or flight) sometimes holding people back from higher levels of thoughts and perception. *************** FAIR USE <b>…</b>

Source: YouTube

PowerUp your Brain- Dr. David Perlmutter- C2C 6 Feb. 2011 (5 of 6)

Power Up Your Brain Promoting an excellent show www.coasttocoastam.com Neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter discussed how the brain can be enhanced to open pathways for optimal functioning and health, as well as enlightenment. He spoke about the importance of neuroplasticity– the ability of the brain to rewire itself and make better connections, and outlined a number of techniques to achieve this. Meditation, for instance, makes the brain work more efficiently, and reduces levels of harmful cortisol. Interestingly, he noted that spiritual experiences, such as prayer and meditation, have now been shown to take place in certain parts of the brain through MRI and other tests. Certain supplements can act as “epigenetic” factors, turning on gene pathways that can, for instance, increase production of antioxidants in the body. These include turmeric, and DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid found in products like fish oil. He suggested fasting once a month, which turns on several important gene pathways that increase neuroplasticity. One of the most powerful epigenetic factors is physical exercise, he added. Dr. Perlmutter also talked about the importance of Vitamin D to brain function, and noted that people with Alzheimer’s and autism typically have lower levels of it. Additionally, he touched on how the human brain has evolved, with primitive reptilian functions (such as fight or flight) sometimes holding people back from higher levels of thoughts and perception. *************** FAIR USE <b>…</b>

Source: YouTube