Healthy Hearts Begin Within

Healthy Hearts Begin Within

You love your heart. You know it’s important—but do you know what to feed it? Fueling your body’s engine with proper nutrition doesn’t have to be rocket science.
This February, in honor of Heart Health Month, take a little extra time and fuel your body with better nutrition. Trust us, you’ll feel better than ever and your heart will appreciate the extra effort.
Here are a few heart-healthy suggestions to make your favorite meals more cardio-conscious:


Vegetables are always on the table when it comes to heart health, and some pack a healthier punch than others. Dark, leafy greens like spinach and kale are filled with heart healthy vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They’re also a great source of vitamin K, which can help protect your arteries and improve cardiovascular health. Channel your inner Popeye and include spinach in your next meal. A little can go a long way.


Okay, this may be difficult. Yes, we know sugar makes things sweet. But can your recipe work with Stevia? Some natural honey or maple syrup will also help maintain your sweetness without the high sugar content. It could be worth a try. Sugar, fructose, corn syrup… these are not heart-healthy ingredients. Substitute when possible and your heart will thank you. 


When you have to eat carbs, remember that diets rich in fiber are more preferable than refined white breads and pastas. When it comes to combatting high blood pressure and supporting your overall heart health, choose fibrous whole grains. At the very least, try swapping out half the amount of all-purpose flour with whole-wheat flour. Better yet, try almond-flour! You can also change up refined white rice for whole grain rice or opt for a more complex grain like quinoa. 


Sodium has a big impact on heart health, but that doesn’t mean you have to forgo flavor. Instead, try adding a splash of vinegar or a squeeze of fresh lime to your food. You can also give your favorite dishes an update with a dash of new spices and herbs. Feel free to experiment and test out new flavors, you never know when you’ll create something incredible. 

Heart Health Spotlight: Omega-3

Heart Health Spotlight: Omega-3

As a natural triglyceride fish lipid, Omega-3 brings a variety of heart-healthy benefits to the table. While Omega-3 is referred to as an essential fatty acid, it is not naturally produced by the body. So, unless you’re regularly eating healthy portions of certain fish, algae, and oils, you may be missing out on the benefits that omega-3’s can provide. 


The reference of Omega-3 being a “fatty acid” may be deceiving, because healthy fatty acids are actually the potential building blocks for your body’s daily functions. Scientifically, fatty acids are a carboxylic acid with a long aliphatic chain. They can help support different bodily functions by being digested, absorbed into the blood, and—in the case of Omega-3’s—formed into a molecule called a triglyceride. 


Omega-3’s are key components in the formation of triglyceride molecules— which help support heart function, blood circulation, and cardiovascular strength. These molecules also provide powerful protection for cell membranes throughout your cardiovascular system and assist in maintaining a healthy ratio of HDL and LDL cholesterols. Synergy’s Omega-3 is rigorously tested to ensure you get all the benefits of omega-3 fish oil, free from any fishy flavor.  


  • Supports cardiovascular function 
  • Supports brain health 
  • Supports positive mood
  • Helps regulate the body’s ratio of HDLs to LDLs

Help us give back this month by participating in our fundraiser for The Heart Center at Primary Children’s Hospital. During February, Synergy will be donating 5% of proceeds from all our heart health products—Omega-3 included. Make a purchase today, and help support our friends at Primary Children’s. 

Video Conference Call, Feb. 16

Video Conference Call, Feb. 16

Join us Tuesday, February 16, at 7:00 PM (MS) for our Video Conference Call, hosted by Josh McKell, National Sales Director for North America. This month, we’ll be discussing all things heart health, as well as following up on our fundraiser for The Heart Center at Primary Children’s Hospital.
This video call will also feature visual content to illustrate the messages discussed. Calling in by phone is an option, however we encourage you to join us through the Zoom link below for the complete experience.
Simply click HERE Meeting ID: 182 027 433
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021Time: 7:00 PM (MST)By phone: +1 (669) 900 6833
We encourage you to set a reminder, invite your team, and get ready to participate in this call.

Heart Health Spotlight: CoQ10

Heart Health Spotlight: CoQ10

Jumpstart your energy levels and fuel your heart with Synergy’s CoQ10. As an all-natural compound, our CoQ10 provides biological energy support for most vital organs— including your heart. 
WHAT IS COQ10?CoQ10, formally known as Coenzyme Q10, is an oil-soluble vitamin-like compound found in every cell of the human body. Our CoQ10 is an all-natural, crystal-free compound that uses a patented lipid blend to enhance its bioavailability and absorption in the human body, providing an adequate supply of energy to your body’s most important muscle–your heart. 
LIVING FUNCTIONSEach system encompasses different cells, tissues, and organs that all require a supply of energy—or ATP—for optimal function. Within these vast networks, ATP or energy is delivered after its successful production within the body. Although much of the body’s energy is derived from components found in natural food sources, organs with greater energy requirements have an increased need for high concentrations of CoQ10. Taking a CoQ10 supplement can help fulfill that demand. 

  • Helps to reduce oxidative stress in all cells throughout the body
  • Supports the health of the heart, kidneys, liver, and pancreas
  • Promotes healthy cardiovascular function and general longevity
  • Supports energy production for the heart and other organs requiring high levels of ATP or energy

This month, when you purchase CoQ10, you’re helping support one of the best health care organizations in Utah— Primary Children’s Hospital (PCH). Throughout February, Synergy will be donating 5% of proceeds from all our heart health products to The Heart Center at PCH. Help us give back to an organization that already gives so much, and share the gift of heart health today. 

Kickstart Your Cardiovascular Fitness

Kickstart Your Cardiovascular Fitness

Every moment, every day of your life, your heart works to support everything your body does. That is some serious heavy lifting from an organ and a muscle that never gets a break. Beating around 100,000 times a day, your heart pumps 2,000 gallons worth of blood through a microscopic blood vessel system that totals 60,000 miles in length. This month, give your heart a helping hand and strengthen it with a cardiovascular exercise routine.

Studies have shown that simply doing 30-40 minutes of exercise a day can improve your overall health and wellness, while also having a positive impact on your heart. This includes both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. So, what’s the difference? Let’s break it down. 

AEROBIC Aerobic exercise focuses on elevating and then consistently maintaining your heart rate for an extended period. This type of fitness has a direct impact on your circulatory system, as it engages your lungs, heart, and large muscle groups for a substantial amount of time. Running, hiking, and swimming are all categorized under aerobic exercise. 

ANAEROBICAnaerobic exercise focuses on strengthening your muscles with short, but intense, workouts. Also known as resistance training, these bursts of activity help build your cardiovascular endurance and overall heart health, as they push you to perform at your maximum in short, timed periods. Examples of this include sprinting, jumping, or weightlifting. 

Both types of exercise provide a variety of benefits for your health and wellness. Your fitness goals can help you determine the best type of workouts to participate in; however, a little cardio goes a long way. Be sure to start slow and build up to the level your body is comfortable with. This month, work a little harder to give your heart a helping hand. Strengthen the organ that never stops working for you, with an increased level of cardiovascular fitness.
