How to Use Herbal Remedies to Cure Sore Throat

My family has used variations on this easy-to-make and delicious herbal remedy for as long as i can remember, and it usually works better than cough medicine.


Difficulty: Easy Things You’ll Need:

Sleepytime tea.
1/2 lemon
1 inch of ginger root
2 tablespoons of honey
hot water

Step1 Grate the ginger root into the bottom of a large mug.
Step2 Squeeze the juice from the lemon-half on top of the ginger. It is also good if some of the pulp from the lemon gets into the mix.
Step3 Pour the honey on top of the ginger and lemon. At this stage you basically have a concentrated natural cough medicine.
Step4 Fill the rest of the mug with boiling water and stir until the honey is completely dissolved. This usually only takes twenty or thirty seconds.
Step5 Add one Sleepytime tea-bag, and allow the mixture to sit for 3-5 minutes. This will allow the tea to steep and allow the hot water to draw the flavor from the ginger.
Step6 Stir the drink once again, remove the tea bag, and enjoy the soothing deliciousness!

Tips & Warnings
The amounts of the ingredients are approximate. This recipe works for me, but you can use more or less depending on your taste.
Sleepytime tea is a blend of chamomile and peppermint teas. It is the brand that my family uses; we find it to be especially soothing to a sore throat; however other types of herbal medicine would probably be equally effective.
Some people prefer to substitute 1 or 2 teaspoons of cayenne pepper for the ginger root. The cayenne pepper helps to numb the sore throat pain.
In addition to this remedy for sore throats and colds, my family also uses Zicam Nasal Gel , a homeopathic cure that claims to help reduce the duration of the cold (see link in the resources section, below for more information).
This natural remedy is for run-of-the-mill sore throats and coughs. It has always worked for me and my family; however, I am not a doctor, so if your sore throat is unusually severe or lasts for an unusually long time. You should definitely see a doctor.
Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Gel
Sleepytime Tea
Gormet Herbal Teas

Written by ccard123

Herbal Remedies For Indigestion

Indigestion is a common health condition in any household. Yet, many people still lack the knowledge of how to properly treat this condition. There are several manufactured medicines available in most drug stores. However, most of them only provide temporary relief and when the effect wears off, the symptoms return.

What Is Indigestion?

To treat indigestion, you need to understand what causes it. Hence, you’d be able to prevent its recurrence.

Indigestion takes place when your digestive system finds it difficult to break down and assimilate food components within your body. It may also be caused by either increase or decrease of acids or enzymes in your abdomen.

There are several symptoms for indigestion or common digestive problems and they include: a burning sensation in your stomach, bloating, gas, belching, flatulence, nausea, or poor appetite.

Causes of Indigestion

When suffering from indigestion, it is not only painful, there is also the risk of further digestive problems. Because the condition basically affects your digestive system, it has to do with your choices of food and eating habits, specifically poor eating habits. To better understand, here are some of the common causes of indigestion:

– Excessive intake of processed, refined, or altered food. These types of foods contain ingredients that wear out and stress your internal organs.
– Fatty foods or those with excessive saturated fat content. Including these ingredients in your diet can slow down the digestive process.

The following are food types or beverages that will lead to digestive problems when taken in excess:

a. coffee
b. alcohol
c. cigarettes
d. carbonated beverages
e. unripe fruits
f. onions
g. cheese

Other factors that may not be directly related to your food intake but can lead to indigestion:

– eating too fast
– eating while stressed
– not chewing your food properly
– allergies and sensitivities to certain food
– drinking too much liquid alongside your meal, thus diluting the digestive fluid
– wrong combination of food types in your diet

Herbs for Digestive Relief

For safe and effective relief from indigestion, there are several natural herbs that can soothe your stomach. The advantage of using herbal remedies for your digestive problems is that you won’t need to worry about potential side effects and yet they are just as effective.

Plus, herbal remedies cost little to nothing. If you can find the type of herb you need for this condition, then you just need to make slight preparations so you can be on your way to finding relief from your digestion problems.

Again, here are common herbs to use:

Angelica – provides relief for spasms and flatulence
Caraway oil – useful when suffering from feeling of fullness on your stomach
Cinnamon – perfect for cases of gas, bloating, or cramping
Dandelion – provide relief for gas
Fennel – provide relief from belching and gas
Genitian – when you eat fatty meals, this herb can relieve any bloating or flatulence
Hops – suitable for digestive problems due to stress
Horehound – is perfect for gas
Ginger – effectively relieves belching and irritated stomach
Slippery elm – helps soothe your stomach

Manufactured Herbal Treatments

If you cannot find any of the listed herbs, you will be able to find them at your nearest health store. Herbal treatments that provide relief for your digestive problems are just as effective but very affordable.

There are specific herbal treatments available for your particular indigestion problems. These are just the common ones:

– Chamomile (available in tea or tablet form) – provides gas relief, anti-spasmodic, and anti-inflammatory
– Slippery elm (available in tea or tablet form) – not only provides current relief but also helps your stomach develop a protective coating
– Ginger (available in tea or tablet form) – reduces your stomach pain and bloating, while also relieving it from gas
– Aloe vera gel – this effectively soothes your stomach from pain

More Natural Tips for a Digestive Remedy

Regardless of how effective these herbal remedies are, if you do not take extra caution when it comes to your choices of food, indigestion or any related health conditions might become a common condition. More importantly, to further ensure safety, you need to consult with your physician before taking any herbal remedies.

Aside from your food intake, stress or pressure on your stomach are also referred to as common causes of indigestion. Hence, take a few minutes or hours each day for exercise such as biking, walking, or swimming.

Take note of the food types listed above and avoid them as much as you can. Although there are several available herbal treatments that you can find, preventing indigestion from occurring is still your best bet.

Written by Hiero

How To Benefit From Alternative Remedies


Unlike allopathic treatments, alternative remedies lay emphasis on improving the overall well-being of the individual and not merely treating the symptoms. Homeopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, magnet therapy, chiropractic, massage therapy are all alternative remedies. Below are given a few benefits of these alternative remedies:

Acupuncture is very useful for treating joint pains, fatigue, stress, osteoarthritis, headaches and even mental illness. It is very beneficial for those who have low immune system.

Herbal remedies are used for different health problems like bad breath, heart disease, skin and allergy problems, insomnia, respiratory problems and even diabetes. It is also a popular method to try and lose weight.

Aromatherapy means using the essence of plants to treat various health problems. Essential oils mixed with carrier oils are either inhaled or massaged with to rectify pains and aches or other skin problems. The range of aromatherapy is vast and in recent years, it has become intertwined with massage therapy. The skin absorbs the essence of plants more easily when massaged into and this in turn stimulates the circulatory system and the lymph flow. This results in a natural detoxification of the body.

Chiropractic is especially used for treating problems of the neuro-musculoskeletal system which is related to muscles, joints and bones and it emphasizes on addressing spinal problems.

Magnetic therapy is even used by hospitals to alleviate pains and aches of patients. Magnetic bracelets worn either on the ankle or the wrist help in reducing the severity of the pain particularly the hip and knee joints.

Homeopathy is a very popular alternative remedy especially for children as most of the recurrent minor illnesses or cuts and bruises can be taken care of by administering homeopathy medicines without the need of strong allopathic dosages.

Written by MikeGee

Alternative Remedies to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Home remedies and homeopathic medicine have gradually gained importance over the past few years as an alternative to prescription drugs.  Many people are not aware of the fact that there are also home remedies available to lower your blood pressure.  These home remedies offer the two fold benefits of lowering the cost and preventing harsh effects of prescription drugs.  Another advantage of home remedies is that while it may be used to treat one symptom, it often has other health benefits too.  Many home remedies can be found in your local supermarket and health food store.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, here are a few home remedies.  These remedies will not only lower your blood pressure but are good for your general health too. Given below are a few home remedies to help lower your blood pressure.

Garlic: Garlic is known to possess many beneficial properties that improve overall health, along with lowering your blood pressure.  Consumption of garlic will also gradually reduce blood clot occurrences in individuals.  It is believed by some researchers that garlic will also help in bringing down the triglyceride levels.

Magnesium and Potassium:  Foods rich in these minerals are bananas, molasses and Soya beans.  Some fruits such as watermelon and grapes are also considered to be a good source of magnesium and potassium.  Not only will these foods lower your blood pressure but are beneficial to your overall health too.

You may be in fact eager to know what a triglyceride is.  A triglyceride is a glyceride that occurs naturally in tissues and consists of three fatty acids that are bound together in a single molecule.  They are an important energy source forming much of the fat stored in the body.

You can research on the web about the various home remedies available to lower your blood pressure by putting your query in Google search engine.  The internet is flooded with a wealth of information dedicated to home remedies and homeopathic medicine to lower your blood pressure.  Bookstores and libraries also offer an abundance of information.  With a little research and dedication, you can find alternatives to prescription drugs for lowering your blood pressure.

As with any alternative health remedies, consult your physician before discontinuing any prescribed medicines.  Discontinuing your prescription medicine suddenly without seeking advice from your physician could have serious and long-term effects on your health.

Thus it can be concluded that several home remedies and homeopathic medicine can help a lot in lowering your blood pressure without causing any harmful side effects to health.

Written by M Banker2010

Rosemary is an herb for stress that rekindles energy and lightens the spirit when brewed into a tea twice a day. Use Rosemary to reduce stress and anxiety with tips from a nutraceutical supervisor in this free video on herbal remedies. Expert: Miss Dimple Singh Bindra Bio: Miss Dimple Singh Bindra is a nutraceutical supervisor in Bio Neutrix, NY She has done clinical studies in herbs from Micro Logix Lab, New York. Filmmaker: babai das
Video Rating: 5 / 5

PowerUp your Brain- Dr. David Perlmutter- C2C 6 Feb. 2011 (4 of 6)

Power Up Your Brain Promoting an excellent show Neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter discussed how the brain can be enhanced to open pathways for optimal functioning and health, as well as enlightenment. He spoke about the importance of neuroplasticity– the ability of the brain to rewire itself and make better connections, and outlined a number of techniques to achieve this. Meditation, for instance, makes the brain work more efficiently, and reduces levels of harmful cortisol. Interestingly, he noted that spiritual experiences, such as prayer and meditation, have now been shown to take place in certain parts of the brain through MRI and other tests. Certain supplements can act as “epigenetic” factors, turning on gene pathways that can, for instance, increase production of antioxidants in the body. These include turmeric, and DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid found in products like fish oil. He suggested fasting once a month, which turns on several important gene pathways that increase neuroplasticity. One of the most powerful epigenetic factors is physical exercise, he added. Dr. Perlmutter also talked about the importance of Vitamin D to brain function, and noted that people with Alzheimer’s and autism typically have lower levels of it. Additionally, he touched on how the human brain has evolved, with primitive reptilian functions (such as fight or flight) sometimes holding people back from higher levels of thoughts and perception. *************** FAIR USE <b>…</b>

Source: YouTube