ProArgi-9+ and the Physicians Desk Reference

For over 67 years, medical specialists across the world have turned to the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) as the authoritative source of information on drugs and prescribed substances. Synergy is pleased to announce that ProArgi-9+ will be included in the 2014 edition of the PDR, providing a new opportunity for people to discover the tremendous benefits of our best-selling product.

Found in virtually every physician’s office, pharmacy, clinic and library, no medical reference is more current, more recognized, or more respected. The PDR contains label information, dosage instructions, images and more.

We hope this publicity encourages more people to discover and share ProArgi-9+ and its value in supporting a healthy lifestyle.

Note: The 2014 Edition of the Physicians Desk Reference containing information about ProArgi-9+ will be made available this December in both digital and physical versions.

ProArgi-9+ and the Physicians Desk Reference

ProArgi-9+ and the Physicians Desk Reference

For over 67 years, medical specialists across the world have turned to the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) as the authoritative source of information on drugs and prescribed substances. Synergy is pleased to announce that ProArgi-9+ will be included in the 2014 edition of the PDR, providing a new opportunity for people to discover the tremendous benefits of our best-selling product.

Found in virtually every physician’s office, pharmacy, clinic and library, no medical reference is more current, more recognized, or more respected. The PDR contains label information, dosage instructions, images and more.

We hope this publicity encourages more people to discover and share ProArgi-9+ and its value in supporting a healthy lifestyle.

Note: The 2014 Edition of the Physicians Desk Reference containing information about ProArgi-9+ will be made available this December in both digital and physical versions.

Fun Facts about Cancun with Synergy

Fun Facts about Cancun with Synergy

One month ago today, we posted a video and introduction to our 2014 Cancun vacation destination. Hopefully that inspired a series of daydreams for you, dreams in which you find yourself on those sandy beaches with the sun on your face and a tropical beverage in your hand.

Synergy North America Team Members: There are still three months left to qualify! Those dreams are within reach— let us help you make them a reality!

In these last three months, as you push yourself to qualify, here are a few fun facts about Cancun to keep you motivated:

  1. The average annual temperature in Cancun is 80 degrees Fahrenheit, arguably the most perfect temperature of all temperatures.
  2. Cancun is wonderfully sunny 240 days of the year. The other days may have a cloud or two, maybe even a little rain… but they call it paradise for good reason.
  3. Cancun’s beaches have white sand, which is made from crushed coral and is not hot to the touch. Just think: Mother Nature spent all that time crushing up coral so you’d have a comfy place to relax next March.
  4. In early 2010,

    there was a major beach restoration project that included the rebuilding of the beaches in Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Cozumel. The Mexican government invested $71 million US Dollars in the project, which restored 11 kilometers of the area’s beaches. Again, all that money was spent just for you, so that you would have a comfy place to relax with us next March.

  5. “Cancun” is the Mayan word for “Nest of Snakes.” I guess snakes are pretty smart. Who wouldn’t want a nest in paradise? For those afraid of snakes… don’t worry. Statistically, you will have a very, very small chance of encountering a snake while vacationing at the Moon Palace with us.
  6. This Cancun vacation will be very fun. We will have much more fun, however, if you are with us. That’s a fact.

Remember, you have until the end of the year to make this happen. We’ll be staying at the luxurious Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort from March 20-23 and we are extremely excited. For more information on what it takes to qualify for this Cancun vacation on Synergy’s dime, click here.

Dr. Böger on ProArgi-9+, ADMA and Synergy

Dr. Böger on ProArgi-9+, ADMA and Synergy

Earlier today, Dr. Rainer Böger called from Germany to be joined by a large number of listeners. As this month’s Cardio Call special guest, he explained ProArgi-9+ and the way it acts in the body. If you were unable to join the call don’t worry— the call has been recorded and you can listen to it here at your convenience.

Click to listen to the 2013 October Cardio Call with Dr. Rainer Böger.

Remember, you can listen to a variety of past Cardio Call recordings at any time by clicking the “Resources” tab at the top of this page.

Dr. Böger on ADMA

Some of the major achievements of Dr. Böger’s career involve his research on asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) as a risk marker of vascular disease. In today’s Cardio Call, he took time to address the subject of ADMA and a misunderstanding that is becoming all too common in the industry.

Some have suggested that because ADMA blocks l-arginine that it thereby cancels out all potential benefits of ProArgi-9+ in the body. However, the truth as pointed out by Dr. Böger is that the presence of ADMA in a person’s body is the very reason high quality l-arginine supplementation is so necessary.

“We see 2 out of 3 people have a deficite in l-arginine,” says Dr. Böger. “This, in most people, is not true because they have such low levels of arginine in the blood, but because they have high levels of ADMA in the blood. When someone has high ADMA, that person is in need of additional arginine from a dietary supplement. People who have high ADMA have a high need of l-arginine from ProArgi-9+. We have data to show that for explicitly those with a high ADMA, l-arginine supplements will work well. For those with a low ADMA, the need to have a high dose of arginine supplements is not so great.”

Be sure to listen to the rest of the recording as he explores this subject in greater detail.

About Dr. Böger

Professor Rainer H. Böger, MD, is a leading expert in L-arginine research and member of Synergy’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Board.

After receiving his initial medical training at Hannover Medical School in Hannover, Germany, Dr. Böger then received his postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and Pharmacology both in Hannover and at Stanford University School of Medicine in Stanford, CA.

Dr. Böger is currently the Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Director of the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at Hamburg University Medical Center, Germany. He is also Director of the Clinical Trial Center North at Hamburg University.

Dr. Böger’s scientific work centers on the early diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular related diseases. Dating back to the beginning of his medical career, Dr. Böger has been heavily involved in the research and treatment of cardiovascular related diseases. In 1991, while working closely with pharmaceutical drug companies to develop treatments that could combat and alleviate such diseases, he became highly interested in nitric oxide (NO) and its effects on the vascular system.

Over 23 years of academic research has been conducted by Dr. Böger in basic science and clinical studies related to L-arginine and its influence on the body’s ability to produce NO.
Dr. Böger collaborates with renowned institutions like the Mayo Clinic and Stanford University Medical Center. Dr. Böger’s extensive knowledge, expertise, and ongoing research clearly set him apart as one of the world’s leading L-arginine experts

Join us for next month’s Cardio Call on November 13, 2013.

Resources for Synergy World Wide



Cardio Calls

Each month a member of Synergy’s Medical & Scientific Advisory Board shares their insights and details the science behind ProArgi-9+. Click here to learn more about Synergy’s Medical & Scientific Advisory Board.

Click to view Cardio Calls

Date Description Click to Listen
09/2013 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
06/2013 Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
03/2013 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
02/2013 Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
01/2013 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
12/2012 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
10/2012 Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
09/2012 Dr. Rainer Boger, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
08/2012 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
07/2012 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
06/2012 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio


Corporate Update & Opportunity Calls

Get the latest updates from Synergy’s executive team as they share exciting news about Synergy WorldWide and the Synergy Advantage.

Click to view Corporate Update Calls

Date Description Click to Listen
08/21/2013 Corporate Update Call, Howard Hanneman & Guests Play Audio
06/27/2013 Opportunity Call by Howard Hanneman Play Audio
06/19/2013 Featuring Lee Edwards, Roger Hunt, Mylo Berstad Play Audio
03/20/2013 Howard Hannemann Play Audio
1/16/2013 Synergy Executive Team Play Audio
12/19/2012 Howard Hannemann, Director of Sales Play Audio
10/17/2012 Howard Hannemann, Stewart Rutter Play Audio
09/25/2012 Summit 2012 Recap Call Play Audio
08/20/2012 Canada Update Call Play Audio
08/20/2012 Dan Norman, President Play Audio
06/20/2012 Howard Hannemann, Director of Sales Play Audio
05/16/2012 Howard Hannemann, Director of Sales Play Audio
04/18/2012 Howard Hannemann, Director of Sales Play Audio
03/21/2012 Howard Hannemann, Director of Sales Play Audio



In-depth trainings ranging from products and social media to business building and promotions.

Click to view Webinars

Date Description Click to View
09/05/2013 ProArgi-9+ and Exercise. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn the science behind ProArgi-9+’s ability to enhance your physical activity. View Webinar
07/31/2013 2013 Chicago Sky Study. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn what happened when ProArgi-9+ was used in a wellness program for the staff of the Chicago Sky WNBA team. View Webinar
06/20/2013 Dr. Stacey Bell explains the science behind the SLMsmart Weight Management System View Webinar
06/06/2013 Introducing SLMsmart. Learn how it amplifies your opportunities, your health, and the Synergy Advantage. View Webinar
01/16/2013 The Elite Track Training: Learn how to unlock thousands of extra earnings and bonuses in 2013. View Webinar
10/16/2012 Exploring the benefits of Mistica with Nutritional Research Scientist Tad Turgeon. View Webinar
06/13/2012 Heart Health Done Right: Exploring Vitamin D3, CoQ10 and Omega-3 with Nutritional Research Scientist Tad Turgeon. View Webinar
05/24/2012 Liquid Chlorophyll 201 with Pearl Executive Corrine Brandi View Webinar
05/01/2012 Liquid Chlorophyll 101 with Pearl Executive Corrine Brandi View Webinar
04/02/2012 Using Facebook for your Synergy Business with Senior Marking Manager Aaron McCain and Team Leader Jean LaVallie View Webinar


Videos, Presentations, and Other Downloads

Click to view downloads

Date Description Click to Download
09/2013 How ProArgi-9+ Helped Danielle Girdano (pdf) Download
09/2013 ProArgi-9+ and Exercise Slides (pdf) Download
06/2013 2013 Chicago Sky Study (non-branded)(mp4) Download
06/2013 SLMsmart Webinar by Dr. Bell (wmv) Download
01/2012 Maximize Synergy Elite Track Webinar (wmv) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Webinar (wmv) Download
01/2012 Bless Your Heart (mov) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage (mov) Download
01/2012 Synergy Compensation Plan Overview (mov) Download
01/2012 Compensation Plan Summary (pdf) Download
01/2012 Elite Track Training (pdf) Download
01/2012 ProArgi-9 Presentaiton Sheet (pdf) Download
01/2012 Product Catalog (pdf) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Presentation (pdf) Download
01/2012 Elite Track Training (ppt) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Presentation (ppt) Download
01/2012 Synergy Quality Assurance Video (mov) Download