Special January Open House

Special January Open House

Synergy WorldWide invites you to bring your guests and join us on Friday, January 24, for the first Synergy Open House of 2014.

Attend this special, new-and-improved Open House event and experience the Synergy Advantage firsthand.

At 1:00 p.m. the Open House begins with a tour of our manufacturing facility located in Spanish Fork, UT. This is the best way to see Synergy’s commitment to purity, potency and quality in every product we produce.

Following the manufacturing tour, head to Synergy HQ to meet our staff, hear from members of our Executive Team, and sample our products. We’ll also have exciting prizes to give away to the crowd, along with an impactful presentation of the Synergy Advantage.


Dianne Leavitt
Double Presidential Executive.
Rudy Pedroza & Paul Blad
Presidential Executives.
Steve & Roxanne Seely 
Pearl Executives.
Bart Woodcook 
Pearl Executive.
Eric Glenn 
Pearl Executive.
Bill Styles
Team Elite.
Featured Product Expert: 
LaMar Wiscombe
Master Herbologist, Director of Global Programs, Synergy WorldWide.

Remember: The day after the Open House, Synergy will be hosting Gold Camp on Saturday, January 25. The Synergy Gold Camp trains Team Members on leverage Synergy’s Mega-Match Compensation Plan and become the perfect sponsor for their growing team learn how to maximize your earn For Gold Camp registration click here.

Human Studies on the benefits of alkaline water:


Alkaline mineral water lowers bone resorption even in calcium sufficiency: alkaline mineral water and bone metabolism.

  • Summary: Study examined people who were determined to get sufficient calcium from their diets to find out if calcium-rich alkaline water could reduce the rate of bone loss. The study compared alkaline water to acidic water to see if alkaline water worked better.
  • Results: In calcium sufficiency, the alkaline water led to a significant decrease of PTH and of S- CTX (two important markers of bone loss). The acidic water with did not reduce bone loss.
  • Limitation: This study used a calcium-rich alkaline water, your tap water may not be calcium rich. However, the reduction of bone loss markers was also shown in the study below which used ordinary tap water treated by a water ionizer to make it alkaline water that was not calcium rich. (Wynn, Krieg, and et al)

The effect of daily consumption of 2 liters of electrolyzed water for 2 months on body composition and several physiological parameters in four obese subjects: a preliminary report.

  • Summary: Study examined four people who drank alkaline water made with a water ionizer for two months. The study examined two markers of bone loss: serum osteocalcin measures bone formation by osteoblasts. N-telopeptides and NTx measures bone resorption (loss) by osteoclasts.
  • Results: The study showed significant reductions in bone loss markers (N-telopeptides and NTx) for all four test subjects There was no significant effect on bone formation (serum osteocalcin)
  • Limitation: This was a small study, only 4 people were examined, no control group was used to compare the effect of consumption of alkaline water to plain water. (Abrabam, Flebas)

Blood Pressure:

“Intake of mineral water among persons with a low urinary excretion of magnesium or calcium may decrease the blood pressures”

  • Summary: A natural alkaline mineral water with a pH of 8.7 was evaluated to see if it reduced blood pressure in people with low magnesium and calcium levels.
  • Results: The results of this study suggest that water borne minerals can contribute to mineral nutrition requirements. Waterborne mineral supplementation may reduce blood pressure in people with calcium and/or magnesium deficiency.
  • Limitation: This study was performed on a small group (20 people) and was short term. Additional studies are needed to confirm the effect of alkaline water on blood pressure. (Rylander, R)

Laboratory Studies of alkaline water

Laboratory studies are performed in-vitro which means in a test tube, Petri dish or other container. The results of in-vitro studies are used by scientists to test theories. If an in-vitro study looks promising, then an in-vivo study, meaning in the body, is conducted to confirm the results.

Antioxidant benefits of alkaline water:

Note: The study this information is based on was conducted in Korea. This means that this study may have been conducted using procedures and regulations that are different than the procedures and regulations that studies in the United States are conducted under.

Electrolyzed-reduced water protects against oxidative damage to DNA, RNA, and protein

  • Summary: Human DNA was subjected to oxidative damage using hydrogen peroxide to simulate the type of damage that free radicals do to DNA in the body.
  • Results: Alkaline water was shown to enhance the antioxidant activity of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  • This result of this study suggests that alkaline water enhances the antioxidant benefit of vitamin C. This effect would need to be tested in humans to confirm this. (Lee, M)

Studies on the Properties and Real Existence of Aqueous Solution Systems that are assumed to have Antioxidant Activities by the action of “Active Hydrogen”

  • Note: This study was conducted in Japan, so it was also conducted under different regulations and standards than US studies
  • Summary: This study evaluated four alkaline waters that were made by several methods, including a water ionizer, to find out if alkaline water has an antioxidant effect. Researchers in this study observed that molecular hydrogen was found in the test water not active hydrogen.
  • Note: The laws of chemistry clearly show that it is impossible to have “active hydrogen” in water because active hydrogen combines with itself rapidly to form molecular hydrogen.
  • Results: Alkaline water produced by electrolysis was shown to have an antioxidant effect in the laboratory.
  • Limitation: The antioxidant effect of alkaline water in human tissues needs to be tested by further research. (Hiroka, A)

Can alkaline water help you?

Everybody’s body is different, you should consult with your doctor to find out if alkaline water is right for you. The results of these studies have not been evaluated by the FDA so they should not be construed as medical proof.


  • Wynn, E. et al Alkaline mineral water lowers bone resorption even in calcium sufficiency: alkaline mineral water and bone metabolism. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18926940
  • Rylander, R Mineral water intake reduces blood pressure among subjects with low urinary magnesium and calcium levels. ://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/4/56
  • Lee, M. Electrolyzed-reduced water protects against oxidative damage to DNA, RNA, and protein http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17159237
  • Hiraoka, A et al Studies on the Properties and Real Existence of Aqueous Solution
  • Systems that are assumed to have Antioxidant Activities by the action of “Active Hydrogen” http://jhs.pharm.or.jp/data/50(5)/50_456.pdf
  • The effect of daily consumption of 2 liters of electrolyzed water for 2 months on body composition and several physiological parameters in four obese subjects: a preliminary report. Guy E. Abrabam, Jorge D. Flebas. Original Internist. Sept 2011 v18 i3 p96(9).

Season's Greetings

Season’s Greetings

From Synergy North America Customer Service:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW1nuOC4yPE?rel=0&vq=large]

Special thanks to Petra Pintar (Slovenia Customer Service Representative)
for putting these videos together.

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings

From Synergy North America Customer Service:

Special thanks to Petra Pintar (Slovenia Customer Service Representative)
for putting these videos together.

Alkaline Water


What’s so special about alkaline water? Why is all the hype about alkaline water showing up in the news and media now? If you are thirsty, why is one type of water better than the next container of water?

The quality of your water matters! It is as important as the source of your drinking water and the amount of water you are drinking. These days we all have a tendency to be acidic. This condition is attributed to many things – one of which is our fast paced lifestyle in which we all are living.


Alkalinize your Water




pH of water before                                                                 pH of water after



Oxydation Reduction Potenial of Water (ORP)

before ORP                                                                                                   after ORP

Many of the ailments that are affecting people these days – Americans along with people all over the world – is acidosis. This is simply a build up of acid in your body. Good quality alkaline water will help rid your body of this ACIDIC WASTE…..


Some of the conditions that are believed to be helped by drinking alkaline water are listed below:

Acid Reflux, Asthma, Arthritis, Cancer, Constipation, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Gout, Low Energy, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoporosis, among others…..

water – benefits

Our healthy human blood that flows through our veins is at a pH of 7.365. When we drink coffee, diet sodas, tea, among other fluids that contain a lower pH level, it could effect our blood pH. We are continually eating non alkaline foods and acidic foods that help contribute to the acid build up in our bodies. When we drink the alkaline water, this helps flush some of the acid out of our bodies. The mineral should increase the pH of your drinking water to 10 or above on a pH scale. Drinking this alkaline water will offset some of our daily habits.

What minerals affect the body.



At Velara, we created Velaqua so that everyone can enjoy fresh, healthy, natural drinking water without spending a small fortune.

Velaqua is our revolutionary portable water enrichment system that duplicates nature’s water purification and filtration process using gravity instead of electricity, chemicals or other artificial methods.


Nature once provided us with clean water from flowing sources such as rivers, springs, rushing brooks and streams.


Today, water and air pollutants have contaminated our Earth’s water beyond our ability to cleanse it. More than 80,000 chemicals are registered for use in the U.S., with 2,000 being added annually, many will find their way into our water supply. The government regulates only 91 contaminants.

Normal tap water is considered to be drinkable, until one realizes the chemicals that have been added to it. Further inland, the source quickly becomes acidic, registering as low as 5.8 on the pH scale.

A human body needs to be at 7.2 on the pH scale to achieve a perfect state of balance and health. An acidic state below 7.2 may result in many health risks and complications.

Carbonated soft drinks are among the most acidic beverages you can put in your body. These have an average pH of 2.5 or lower. Combined with artificial colors, sugar substitutes and other chemicals, they are among the most toxic beverages in our diet.

Bottled water companies harvest water from scarce ground sources. In many cases, the water is still filled with harmful pollutants and contaminants, not to mention that most plastic bottles are not recyclable and are choking our Earth.


Nature’s way of purifying water that falls into the ground is long and tedious as it seeps and trickles along the Earth’s layers of natural rocks and soil. It is then slowly filtered and infused with health enhancing minerals and when it bursts to the surface in the form of a mountain spring it is fresh, pure, healthy and delicious.

In some places the water even has alkaline and ionizing properties.
The Water Cycle or Hydrological Cycle shows water from rain or snow seeping into the mountain and then into lakes or mountain springs.


This natural process may take months, even years, Velaqua delivers the same results in merely a few hours as it recreates the journey similar to Nature; creating natural mountain spring water in one portable countertop system.

Velaqua provides natural, pure, healthy and delicious drinking water with these benefits:

Peace of mind knowing where your water comes from
An affordable system that delivers priceless water
It’s portable. You can take it anywhere
Uses only gravity and natural minerals without electricity, plumbing or chemicals

Velara’s proprietary Energy Infusion Technology fortifies your water with essential rare earth minerals that produce water with remarkable health benefits:

Super Cellular Hydration – Assists the body in rebuilding
Incredible Antioxidant Source – Supports healthy aging
Powerful Anti-inflammatory – Reduces free radical activity
Creates High Alkalinity – Transforms water’s pH level to 9.5 naturally
Makes Micro-Clustered Water-More easily absorbed by cells


The water has a pH of XX also contains over XX trace minerals that our diets are usually lacking. These electrolytes play a vital role in our health and everyday living. The ionized water will have smaller water molecule clusters which will result in greater cell absorption which in turns means “true hydration”. When your cells are getting the proper water absorption, they will release fluid that has been being held by your body which helps flush those metabolic wastes out of your individual cells.
So Ask Yourself If Your Body Is Acidic?  Some of the symptoms associated with acidic conditions in the body include weight loss problems, insomnia, water retention, arthritis, migraine headaches, constipation, colds, flu, stomach ulcers, acid reflux and even cancer. Many health experts agree that an overly acidic body greatly diminishes the effectiveness of your immune system and usually leads to disease. Acidic conditions in the body are caused by: junk food, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, sodas, coffee, sports drinks, alcohol, environmental toxins, and stress. Considering this long list of items that can lead to acidic challenges in our body, it becomes very clear why it is so important to drink an alkaline beverage like VELAQUA WATER every day.