Announcing Synergy WorldWide’s Global Facebook Page

Announcing Synergy WorldWide’s Global Facebook Page

All of the current Synergy WorldWide Facebook pages are now connected under Synergy’s new global page at.


Whether you live in Asia, Europe or North America, you will be able to find the Facebook feed you’re looking for under one URL.

The global Facebook structure was designed to help international brands maintain a single fan page while localizing experiences for users around the world. Global pages have a unified Like count, but the profile image, cover photo, posts and language will differ by region.

If you live in an area that has a regional Facebook page set up, you will automatically be directed to it when navigating the Synergy Facebook URL. For example, if you live in Rome, you will automatically be directed to Italy’s Facebook page, not the global page. If you live in a region that does not have a Facebook page set up, you will be directed to the global page. The global page will only post information that is pertinent to all regions.

Want to see what’s happening in Synergy markets around the world? Go to the Synergy WorldWide Facebook page and click the icon located directly to the right of the “Share” button. Then click “Switch Region” in the dropdown menu. From there, you will be able to select the country’s Facebook page that you want to view. The country that you “save as a preference” will become the page that appears each time you visit Synergy’s Facebook page.

If you haven’t already Liked the Synergy Facebook page, do it NOW to receive live updates from Synergy leadership and to become more involved in the Synergy family.

Having this global page will allow us to bring our global fan base together. We are excited about this step forward in our social media marketing strategy as Synergy continues to expand and spread its message throughout the world.


Synergy earns 8th consecutive “Healthiest Company” award

Synergy earns 8th consecutive “Healthiest Company” award

Interactive Health evaluates the physical health of employees in 2,000 companies throughout the United States each year. Synergy WorldWide employees, in conjunction with Nature’s Sunshine employees, are among those companies in the country.
For the eighth year in a row, Interactive Health named Synergy and NSP among the Healthiest Companies in America in 2014. Less than 8% of the 2,000 companies tested received this title and only one other company in Interactive Health’s history has achieved this award for eight consecutive years.

As a wellness company that values its consumers’ health above all else, Synergy WorldWide practices what it preaches. Synergy’s corporate family is composed of individuals who are constantly evaluating and improving their health. Recently, Synergy employees banded together to manage their weight with the SLMsmart system and succeeded. Each year, employees engage in a variety of company programs that keep them active and aware of their diet choices. In addition, Synergy products are an integral part of employees’ daily routines and are recognized as a cornerstone of optimal health.

Healthy employees create a strong, productive workforce. Synergy WorldWide aims to set an example of health and leave a legacy in this capacity.

Master Track and Field Star Trusts V3 System

Master Track and Field Star Trusts V3 System

Upon meeting 70-year-old John McDermott, you may learn that he is a Synergy Team Member and that he is of Irish descent. What you may not guess, though, is that John can probably run faster than you.

He currently holds several Ireland and United Kingdom track and field records in events ranging from the 200-meter dash to the 300-meter hurdles to the decathlon. These records were not achieved 50 years ago as you may have assumed. These records were set in the last few years. Last year, John added international medals to his growing list of accomplishments including a gold medal in the 300-meter hurdles, a silver medal in the 400-meter hurdles, and a bronze medal in the decathlon at the World Indoor Championships in Budapest.

He competes against other Master Athletes in his 70-74 age range and is among the best runners of his age group in the world. Out of all the products in the world he could use to sustain his athletic stamina John loves and relies on Synergy’s V3 System—ProArgi-9+, Mistify and Phytolife.

“For Master Athletes, health and wellness is more of an issue than it is for younger athletes. Luck and genes are of course a major factor in keeping fit and injury-free and I appreciate how lucky I am to be able to do what I do,” he said.

However, in addition to luck, it takes an extreme passion for the sport and long hours of training to maintain John’s athletic endurance at the elite level. Because of this, John trusts Synergy’s V3 System to help maximize his training efforts.

“I truly believe Synergy’s V3 products contribute significantly to my nutrition, performance levels and overall wellness. My diet and training routine is helping me beat competitors who were faster than me a few years ago,” he said.

This year, he is ready to take on the World Masters Championships in Lyon, France, where he will be competing in the decathlon, the 300-meter hurdles, and the 400-meter dash.

Memorial Day Hours

 Memorial Day Hours

On Monday, May 25, 2015, Synergy WorldWide headquarters and the corporate store will be closed in commemoration of Memorial Day.
Customer Service will also be closed on Memorial Day, however, you may still place orders through Pulse. Please direct any urgent questions or concerns to Customer Service before the holiday at (801) 769-7800.

Normal business hours—Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Firday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.—will resume on Tuesday, May 26.

We wish all of you a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend!

Elite Health Leak

 Elite Health Leak