Strengthening the Most Important Muscle

Strengthening the Most Important Muscle

 fitgirl1Like all muscles, your heart has to be trained in order to maintain its strength and conditioning. Whether it’s a quick run in the morning, half an hour on the stationary bike, or a leisurely walk around the neighborhood with the family dog, a few minutes of cardio each day can be a huge help to your hearts overall health.

Having a strong heart boosts your cardiovascular system, helps your body utilize oxygen more efficiently, lowers the risk for heart disease, and even allows the heart to better repair itself when damaged. There are four basic components to fitness: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. Cardiovascular endurance is vital because it directly coincides with how effectively you can increase the other fitness elements.

Follow these tips to effectively train your heart to become stronger:

Engage Your Muscles
The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate/vigorous aerobic exercise on 4-5 days per week. To get the most out of aerobics, focus on engaging the largest muscle groups (chest, legs, back, and abs) in a continuous, rhythmic manner. By doing this, your heart has to work harder to deliver oxygen-rich blood to muscle tissue, which results in a mini workout that supports and promotes your heart’s cardiovascular strength.

Cardio Intervals
If you’re looking to increase your heart health quickly, interval training is the way to go. Intervals work by incorporating high-intensity cardio with periods of lower, relaxed cardio. This results in an extremely effective and efficient workout. Studies have shown that doing 15 minutes of interval training has been linked to preventing heart disease as well as improving your overall fitness.
Bonus: Interval training burns more calories per minute than simply jogging on a treadmill.

Weight Training
Similar to interval training, weight training is an effective way to strengthen all the muscles in your body, especially your heart. The key to having a productive weight training session is limiting the rest period between sets. Most gym goers will rest for approximately 30-90 seconds between sets. However, if your goal is greater endurance (and a stronger heart) you’ll have to surrender some break time. But trust us, your heart will thank you.

Know When to Slow Down
Just as important as an performing an intense cardio session, is knowing when to slow down. Too much adrenaline in the system can be harmful to your heart’s health. If your heart rate is jumping up too high or you feel pain, lower the intensity of your workout to let your heart slow down, then once your heart has relaxed, up the intensity to a moderate pace, but don’t overexert yourself. Be sure to drink water during “cool down” periods since the heart tends to beat faster when the cells in your body are dehydrated.

Get Enough Sleep
According to studies, young and middle-aged adults who sleep for approximately 7 hours per night have less calcium build-up in their arteries than those who sleep less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours. Similarly, those who sleep more soundly during the night tend to have healthier arteries than those who don’t. Remember that the quality of your sleep is directly reflected in the quality of your training and ultimately influences how strong your heart is, or how strong it can become.


Presidents' Day 2016

Presidents’ Day 2016

presidentsdayIn observance of Presidents’ Day on Monday, February 15, Synergy Customer Service, the Synergy store, and Synergy Headquarters will be closed.

As always, online ordering will continue to be available through Synergy Pulse.

Regular Customer Service business hours will resume on Tuesday, February 16.

Presidents’ Day 2016

Presidents’ Day 2016

presidentsdayIn observance of Presidents’ Day on Monday, February 15, Synergy Customer Service, the Synergy store, and Synergy Headquarters will be closed.

As always, online ordering will continue to be available through Synergy Pulse.

Regular Customer Service business hours will resume on Tuesday, February 16.

SLMsmart Switch: Prioritize Exercise

SLMsmart Switch: Prioritize Exercise

90daychallenge-ericpolandIn the first month of the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge we are already seeing the beginnings of incredible transformations taking shape. Perhaps even more important than the physical transformations underway are the mental transformations that need to take place first. The first few weeks of the Challenge require a substantial yet attainable shift in the way the Challenger thinks and acts. Many of our Challengers are already getting the hang of altering their thought processes and increasing their mental toughness in order to make healthy decisions. We can learn a lot from these individuals!

SLMsmart Challenger

During an average workday, Eric is given four breaks: three 20-minute breaks and one 30-minute break. Before and after work. he is busy helping his wife with their two children, both of whom have special needs. All things considered, it’s easy to feel like there is never enough time in the day to go to the gym.

While most workout routines are designed to complete all at once, Eric makes the most of his time by splitting up the day’s workout among his breaks. While this stop-and-go approach may not be the most effective in Eric’s mind, it’s much better than nothing, and has helped him build an exercise habit he didn’t have before.

Eric competed in the 2015 SLMsmart 90-day Challenge and had a few pitfalls because his schedule made consistent exercise difficult. Because Eric is serious about being a contender in this year’s Challenge, he is sacrificing some of his time away from work to go to the gym.

“Last year, I kept thinking, ‘It’s early in the Challenge, I’ve got time, I’ve got time,’ but the real problem was I didn’t begin the Challenge fully invested,” Poland said. “I kept telling myself I’d do it next week. This time around I know the excuses will always be there, but the opportunity to have this kind of support isn’t always available. I have to take full advantage of it now.”

Training the body is a tough process, but the idea that Eric is engaging in a lifestyle program, more so than a weight loss program, is what drives him to make real, lasting changes through his everyday decisions.

“If you want to be different, you need to change,” Eric said. “Some guys at work can’t believe the progress I’ve already made. It’s Synergy’s superior supplementation and this Challenge that makes the difference.”

Medical Expert Finds Joy with Synergy

Medical Expert Finds Joy with Synergydranthony_group

Dr. Anthony Oketah has always been fascinated with the heart—the way it transports blood, the way it affects every other system and organ in the body, and its role in sustaining human life.

This passion turned him to cardiology and he has been practicing in this medical field for 15 years. However, there was something about his profession that was unsatisfying. He wanted to be able to do more for his patients. In addition, Dr. Oketah was born with an entrepreneurial spirit, always looking for an opportunity to create something bigger than himself, which is something that’s more difficult to exercise as a doctor.
As he began to feel less fulfilled at work, Dr. Oketah began seeking a business opportunity that would allow him to do more and be more. Irish Team Director James Booth introduced ProArgi-9+ to Dr. Oketah and quickly Dr. Oketah knew he had found the opportunity he was looking for.

“I went through every bit of the Synergy website; I studied everything,” Dr. Oketah said. “I was so impressed by the company, its culture, and its business views. The Compensation Plan is unbelievable and I have confidence in it.”

As a respected figure among Ireland’s medical experts, Dr. Oketah makes a powerful statement as a Synergy distributor because he has an intricate understanding of how the products work to support optimal health. After visiting Synergy WorldWide Headquarters, touring the manufacturing facility, and visiting the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation in 2015, Dr. Oketah said he was impressed by the team of scientists and their “perfect” responses to his challenging questions. He witnessed the financial and physical investment Synergy put into creating the absolute best products for its customers.

Knowing that Synergy’s products and business opportunity had the capacity to make major changes in people’s lives, he took the business to the people in a country he cares for deeply: Nigeria. He travels to Nigeria monthly to meet with local doctors and disperse the product. Testimonials from happy consumers are flooding in.

“Some doctors are focused on money,” Dr. Oketah said. “When people come to me and say ‘Thank you for this product, thank you for helping me start this business, and thank you for helping my family,’ it gives me joy money can’t buy. As a doctor, I can’t give people employment, but through network marketing, I can.”

When considering his Synergy goals, Dr. Oketah realized that he couldn’t conduct his business the way he wanted to without sacrificing his medical career. He plans to give all of his time to Synergy WorldWide soon, and spend the majority of that time helping people in Nigeria get back on their feet.

“This business is about your personal ambition and your personal dream,” Dr. Oketah said. “You need to know what your main goal is and then you need to work, and you need to work hard. Anyone can be anything with this company. I’m so confident in this. What do you want to be? What are you looking for? I am so happy to have found Synergy.”