Dan Higginson Wants Your Help!

Dan Higginson Wants Your Help! 

jdrf-one-walk-3-color-png-logo-cmykDear Synergy Family,

Team Synergy is going up against Team Nature’s Sunshine Products in a friendly competition to help raise funds and awareness for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, an organization I am passionate about and determined to support. This foundation actively fights against type 1 diabetes by raising awareness, gathering new knowledge, and funding new scientific research.

Each year, about 15,000 children and 15,000 adults are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Currently, type 1 diabetes is an incurable disease, but, together, we have the opportunity to help make this reality a thing of the past. Synergy and NSP have elected to compete against each other in a donation battle for this wonderful foundation. I feel personally responsible to make sure Team Synergy comes out on top as I will be leading the upcoming JDRF Utah walks on September 17 in Provo and September 24 in Salt Lake City.

I ask every one of you to join me in this cause and donate at least $1.


Thank you to those who have already donated, your generosity is well spent. I am happy to announce that we have already raised more than $4,000, but I know we can do so much more!

Together, let’s show what Synergy stands for and multiply the funds we’ve already raised. And let’s beat Team NSP!

Thank you all for being a part of this team; I’m proud to be associated with such generous and compassionate individuals who live to Leave a Legacy.

Dan Higginson
Synergy WorldWide



essentialgreensBeginning September 1, 2016, Core Greens will be discontinued, making way for Essential Greens, Synergy’s new and improved phytonutrient-rich product. Essential Greens will make getting your five to nine serving of fruits and vegetables per day an easy task.

The name “Essential Greens” was selected to better convey the idea that the nutrients provided by this product are not just preferred greens. They are essential to your nutrition regimen.


And we’ve made taking your daily does of phytonutrients easier than ever by packaging Essential Greens in easy-to-carry, easy-to-share single serve packs.

We know Essential Greens will become a staple in your diet as you experience the product’s many benefits.

Note: Core Greens capsules and Core Greens canisters will be discontinued with the introduction of Essential Greens single-serve packs. Any Autoships that have Core Greens product will be automatically updated with Essential Greens. If you have questions regarding this announcement, please contact Customer Service.

10th Annual 5 Star Legacy Foundation Golf Tournament

10th Annual 5 Star Legacy Foundation Golf Tournament

5star-golfIt’s shaping up to be another fun year at Alpine Country Club on Monday, October 3, for the 5 Star Legacy Foundation’s annual golf tournament. You may choose to play in the tournament, sponsor the tournament, or both! All funds raised will go directly toward 5 Star Legacy Foundation humanitarian projects.

By participating in the tournament, you will Leave a Legacy by aiding less fortunate children with the food, clothing, shelter, and education they need to survive and excel. Learn more about 5 Star Legacy Foundation’s recent projects here.

Monday, October 3, 2015
Registration: 8 a.m.
Tournament Begins: 8:30 a.m.

Alpine Country Club
5000 Alpine Country Club Dr.
Highland, UT 84003


Individual: $175
Foursome: $700



Please refer to the bottom of the registration and sponsorship forms for submission instructions. If you have any additional questions about the tournament, please email lisa@5starlegacyfoundation.org.

Give back through 5 Star Legacy Foundation and bring your best golf game October 3

Join Synergy in Supporting Two Charities!

Join Synergy in Supporting Two Charities! 

JDRF_bannerWe invite you in August and September to join us in leaving a legacy through two exciting humanitarian efforts! Information on these efforts are detailed below.


Millions live with type 1 diabetes, a life-threatening autoimmune disease that affects both children and adults. Presently, it is not preventable or curable.

Team Synergy is going up against Team Nature’s Sunshine to raise money and awareness for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), and we need your help! With Synergy WorldWide Founder Dan Higginson at the helm as team captain, Team Synergy encourages everyone to join the effort and either participate in the walk or donate to the cause.

Join us in the walk to cure type 1 diabetes on September 17 in Provo, Utah, or on September 24 in Salt Lake City, Utah. If you cannot join us for one of these walks, please donate what you can. Use the links below to donate or register for one of Utah’s JDRF walks.


CLICK HERE to learn more about JDRF.


Synergy WordWide is hosting a food drive for the Utah Food Bank August 25 through September 1! Bring non-perishable food items to the Synergy Store beginning August 25 and you may be surprised with a Synergy gift.

FoodbankFoodBoxArt_350pxMost needed food items:

    • Peanut butter
    • Canned tuna
    • Canned fruit
    • Canned stews and chili
    • Boxed meals
    • Macaroni and cheese
    • Pasta


Utah Food Bank also greatly appreciates online donations. Every dollar you donate can be stretched into $7.35 worth of goods and services! Visit utahfoodbank.org to donate and make sure to specify that you are affiliated with Synergy WorldWide. Please submit all donations before September 1!

Let’s do everything we can to support these important foundations! Thank you in advance for your charitable efforts and commitment to Leave a Legacy.

Legacy Presidential Executive: Synergy’s Newest Pin Title

Legacy Presidential Executive: Synergy’s Newest Pin Title 

legacypresidentialDue to unprecedented success by Team Members around the world, Synergy is taking rank advancement possibilities to new heights!


Legacy Presidential caps off the Presidential ranks and presents an additional level for Synergy’s elite to strive for. Being just one step above Triple Presidential Executive, three Synergy Team Members – Yun Tae Hwang, Mark Comer, and Han Tae Hwang – are within reach! Here’s a quick look at the Legacy Presidential qualifications:


    • 2,000,000 CV Weak Leg Volume
    • Personally sponsor 4 Presidential Executives (a minimum of one Presidential Executive on each leg)


By earning the Legacy Presidential title, qualifying Team Members will be awarded four shares in Synergy WorldWide’s global bonus pool, in addition to high-value recognition gifts and accolades.

We congratulate each and every Team Member throughout the world who is leaving a legacy with their Synergy business and striving for new levels of success. Behind the recognition of each rank are countless lives that have been transformed through Synergy’s high-quality health solutions.

Thank you for all you do—we’re eager to recognize Synergy’s first-ever Legacy Presidential!