Congratulations to the hardworking Team Members who have taken their Synergy business to the next level. Last month, these men and women advanced to new ranks of success in their Synergy business. It is our privilege to recognize them for the time and energy they have invested into reaching their goals, sharing Elite Health and helping people to unlock their potential.

Please join us in congratulating the following Team Members across North America:

Don’t forget that your new title can earn you extra income! Click here to read about the 2018 Title Plus promotion and learn how you can get more bonuses for maintaining your new rank or soaring even higher.

Catharine Harvey


Jerome Bell
Matthew O. Holder
Genevieve Edouard



Annette Mcdermott
Harvey Jay Miller
Ray Kamm
Stephenson M. Yearwood
Dr. Pierre Fey
Alana Agarratt-harding
Matthew O. Holder
Deborah Scott
Marie Eslick
Hayden R. Nielsen
Shani Rochelle Jones
Jim Burnley
Stevenson Sobers
Kenville E. Holder
Mae Bewley
Sandra Green
Pamela Woollis
Doug Yoder
Samuel E. Wickey


Team Members with the most personally sponsored Tracking Centers
Sandra Green
Pete Miller
Deborah Scott
Jacinth Waldron
Jerome Bell
Hayden R. Nielsen


Team Members with the most personally sponsored rank advancements
Bart Woodcook
Roxanne Seely
Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza
Dr. Jim Sandberg
Earlwaine Cumberbatch
Dane Iorg
Pete Miller
Dan Hammer
Burton James Mccalister


New Nutrition Fact Labels on Synergy Products

New Nutrition Fact Labels on Synergy Products

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently updated the standard Nutrition Fact label that appears on packaged food and supplements. The required design of the label has been modified, along with the standards for measuring and declaring daily values and serving sizes.

To comply with this FDA update and the new requirements, you will begin to notice new labels on Synergy products. Please note that although the new label looks different, the Synergy product formulas have not changed. The ingredients have not changed. The supplements that you have known as effective, potent and safe have not changed.

You may see slightly different numbers begin to appear under “% Daily Value” and listed nutrient measurements. These simply reflect the new ways the FDA requires a company to measure the foods and supplements they package. Again, what you will find inside your newly labeled Synergy package will be the same product, served in the same portions that you have been enjoying for years.

At Synergy, we work to provide dependable, efficacious Elite Health solutions. This means meeting and exceeding the industry standards of quality. Thank you for putting our products to the test, just as we do every day.

For more information about the Nutrition Facts label, and the changes required by the FDA, please visit: https://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/GuidanceDocumentsRegulatoryInformation/LabelingNutrition/ucm385663.htm

Dr. Matthew Tripp
Chief Scientific Officer
Nature’s Sunshine Products/Synergy WorldWide

Get Ready to Transition to the New Website February 20

Get Ready to Transition to the New Website February 20

Synergy’s web presence has gone from good to great. The last day to use the Synergy Legacy Website (the old Synergy site) is February 20, 2018. This means that beginning February 20 your hub for all things Synergy will be better than ever!

If you haven’t already, spend the next couple of weeks becoming acquainted with the phenomenal new website! You will be amazed by the many new improvements that have been made to streamline your business, shopping, company messaging, and more.

In order to continue working with your Synergy business, Team Members will need to link their accounts to the new website using a unique email address. This is a simple process that will only take a minute or two to complete.

To help you with this transition, we have created an informative document that will walk you through the necessary steps to link your business account to your email address on the new site.

If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to Customer Service for support.

February 20, 2018 will be a big day for Synergy WorldWide and Team Members all over the world. Business with Synergy is made better in every way through the new site’s many resources and seamless processes. Look forward to a future full of potential with the new Synergy site!



As a company dedicated to innovation and the scientific validation of our product line, we are pleased to announce that our Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Matthew Tripp, will be a special guest speaker at this month’s Experience Synergy Event.

Not only will you tour the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation that Dr. Tripp oversees, you will learn directly from him as he educates on the power of our formulas.

We are fast approaching the event dates of February 23-24 and we want to prepare for your arrival. Please register today so we can prepare your collectible event name badge and arrange transportation for Friday’s tours.

This Experience Synergy event is an opportunity for our Team Members and their guests to come gain an in-depth look at Synergy WorldWide and get exclusive insights on how to build a better business in 2018. During the event, you will experience:

1 – A unique tour of the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation where you will get a behind the scenes look at the scientific process behind the products you love.

2 – Walkthroughs of our Manufacturing Facility where we perform literally hundreds of tests to ensure the quality and potency of every single Synergy product we make.

3 – Exclusive looks at new products with Synergy’s Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Matthew Tripp.

4 – Highlighted recognition for the rising business champions of North America.

5 – Breakout meetings designed to help you sharpen your skills and prepare your business for growth in 2018.

You will enjoy all of this, plus event-only product specials, great conversation and learning with leaders from across the country. Be sure to register today for this special event— seating is limited, and we want you there!

New Promotion Trackers Now Live in Pulse

New Promotion Trackers Now Live in Pulse

Now you can conveniently view your progress through 2018’s various promotion programs. Simply login to Pulse, your digital Synergy back office, to now find your Elite Honors tracker and your Title Plus report, among the other helpful Pulse reports available.

Elite Honors is an incredibly important program this year. Not only can you earn product credit and recognition opportunities, but Elite Honors qualifications unlock the biggest Title Plus bonuses.

Have you met your monthly TC1 requirement? Enrolled a new Team Member at 150 CV? Of course you have… now keep track of your consecutive months of qualification! To see the Elite Honors qualification progress of Team Members you have personally sponsored, click the file icon on the right side of your tracker. This will lead you to a report, where you will see each of them by name. Knowing their progress will allow you to more-effectively help each of them reach their monthly Elite Honors goals.

As you reach and maintain new pin titles, you are on track to earn a potentially large amount of extra money in 2018. Title Plus, one of the most successful promotions in Synergy history, is a lucrative way to remind yourself how important rank advancement is each month!

To find your Title Plus report, login to Pulse, and select “Reports” from your Pulse menu. Under “Reports”, you will see the report “Title Plus.”

Advance to a new rank and spot it on the chart. Then, see the chart mark your progress as you maintain that rank and advance even higher! Watch as your Elite Honors qualifications unlocks matching and “fourth month” bonuses. Remember, ascending multiple ranks earns compounding bonuses!

Enjoy your Pulse, and use the many charts, trackers, reports and features to increase your earnings in 2018. We’ve got more helpful tools being built for Pulse as we speak! For more information about the 2018 Promotions, please click here.