New Biome DTX Fact Video

New Biome DTX Fact Video

Check out this informative Biome DTX featurette. It’s an easy video to watch and share, highlighting the basic details and mighty benefits of Biome DTX, along with the Synergy commitment to quality.

This video, along with several other product fact videos, can be found under the “Videos” tab.

Love it? Share this post by clicking on a social media option below.

Click here for the Spanish video.

Click HERE to learn more about Biome DTX and Synergy’s other microbiome-focused products!

Tues. Dec. 17th: Corporate Update Call

Tues. Dec. 17th: Corporate Update Call

Tuesday, December 17, 2019: Join us for a Synergy North America Call featuring Dan Higginson, Founder of Synergy WorldWide and Eddie Silcock, President of North America. Together, they will be sharing an exciting announcement that you will not want to miss!

Click Here to Register
To join this special Synergy Update Call by phone in the United States:

  • Dial: 415-655-0052
  • Access Code: 599-690-172
  • Time: 7 PM Mountain Standard Time

Joining the call from outside of the U.S? Register using the link above to receive an email with a link to join online using your computer and a web browser. Be sure to mark your calendar, set a reminder, and let the members of your team know to join. We look forward to having you join us Tuesday!

Photo Albums: Global Summit 2019

Photo Albums: Global Summit 2019

What an amazing event! We hope you will enjoy looking back at photos from the 20th Anniversary Global Summit held in beautiful South Korea. Enjoy the albums by clicking an icon below, and you can view the recap video by clicking here.

Day 1: Global Summit 2019
Day 2: Global Summit 2019
Recognition Ceremony: Complete Collection
“Synergy Got Talent”: Complete Collection

Global Summit 2019 Recap Video

Global Summit 2019 Recap Video

Music. Magic. Motivation. Education. Celebration. Synergy WorldWide’s 20th Anniversary Global Summit was an event of triumph. It was a look at the past, present, and future. It was a milestone for progress. It was an occasion for achievement.

Over the course of a misty November weekend in Korea, several thousand enthusiastic Team Members from across the globe were treated to cultural dance numbers, drum sequences, songs, and a variety of world-class entertainers. Leaders carefully guided the audience through valuable lessons and presentations focused on the future. Team Member performers wowed everyone in attendance at the “Synergy Got Talent” show!

The event concluded with a bang as hundreds of incredible Team Member advancements were recognized amidst fireworks, streamers, bright lights, and blasts of confetti. Each of the following were among the many notable achievements celebrated at the Summit:

• 223 new Team Managers
• 71 Team Directors
• 19 Team Elites
• 14 Pearl Executives
• 2 Emerald Executives
• 3 Diamond Executives
• 2 new Presidential Executives

We sincerely thank all who participated in this monumental summit.
To the performers, the event staff, the presenters, the entertainers, and most importantly, the incredible audience: Thank you!

Relive the excitement of Global Summit with this video recap.
The Future Starts Today!

Bronze Bigger Better Bonus Qualifiers!

Bronze Bigger Better Bonus Qualifiers!

We recently announced an opportunity for new Team Members to earn some extra cash ahead of the new year. The Bronze Bigger Better Bonus is available to anyone who activates his or her Synergy business before the end of December. We would like to extend a special congratulations to each new Team Member who has already qualified for their first bonus:

Silver – $300 Bonus

Claudia Miranda

Bronze – $200 Bonus

Edith Elizabeth Lovato
Carmen Yuliana Acosta
Silvia Flores
Candelaria Chavez

Bonus Details

Synergy North America is offering this special promotional bonus for anyone who activates his or her Synergy business from now through December. Here’s how it works:

  1. Enroll as a new Synergy Team Member in October, November or December 2019.
  2. Achieve the BRONZE pin level: get a $200 bonus! This bonus comes in addition to the standard commissions and bonuses potentially earned.
  3. Achieve an even higher pin level: get a bigger, better bonus! All the way through Team Manager, the cash is yours for the taking.

New Pin Level / Rank Bonus

  • Bronze $200
  • Silver $300
  • Gold $400
  • Team Leader $500
  • Team Manager $1000

A few things to keep in mind:

  • If the new Team Member advances all the way from Bronze to Team Manager before the end of the year, they will earn $2400 total extra cash!
  • The pin level advancements need to be achieved by the newly enrolled Team Member before Jan 1, 2020.
  • This promotion only applies to new Team Members who have enrolled from October 1 through December 31, 2019.

This is a perfect time for existing Team Members to get the future Team Leaders and Team Managers you know into place. It is the perfect time to provide support and encouragement, helping them to build and maximize their Synergy income. Do not miss this limited-time promotion. Let’s finish 2019 in Synergy North America stronger than ever!

For information on rank advancements and pin level requirements, click here to access the Mega-Match Compensation Plan manual. Additional questions? Contact us today!