Customer Service Closure

Customer Service Closure

Synergy Customer Service will be closed on Monday, May 25th in honor of Memorial Day. We will resume normal hours on Tuesday, May 26th, but will be closed from 2:30pm to 3:30pm that day for a company meeting. In the meantime, please feel free to leave a voice message, send an email, or send a text message. Thank you.

Webinar Series: Maximum Earning Potential

Webinar Series: Maximum Earning Potential

Join us for a special webinar on Wednesday, May 20. This will be the first of a 3-part webinar series that provides a detailed explanation regarding Synergy’s compensation plan. This includes a comprehensive outline of how the compensation plan works, and the best ways to maximize its usage.
Led by Andrew Earl, Manager of Field Sales and Digital Media, these webinars will be both helpful, and educational, as they illustrate the finer points of Synergy’s compensation plan, allowing each individual to understand and utilize it to their benefit. All are welcome to attend, and we encourage you to invite your team to participate.



Date: Wednesday, May 20
Time: 7:00 PM Mountain Time
Join Zoom Meeting:

Language: English
Can’t make it?:Stay tuned here for an alternative viewing schedule
NOTE: This webinar will feature presentation slides. For the best experience, we recommend you register today to join online. This webinar will be broadcast for educational purposes only. There will be no recordings published or distributed. 

About Andrew Earl

Andrew Earl is the Manager of Field Sales and Digital Media for Synergy WorldWide, and has been with the company for more than 2 years and has 9 years of industry experience. Since joining Synergy, Andrew has undergone his own personal health transformation to discover Elite Health and stays active by playing basketball any chance he gets. He has an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science and is currently completing an MBA degree with an emphasis in Marketing. He is helping Synergy Team Members to spread the message of Elite Health through a wide array of tools and digital media content.

How To Utilize Your Custom URL Website

How To Utilize Your Custom URL Website

Now, perhaps more than ever with social distancing, we are finding new and creative ways to do business. Remember to take advantage of Synergy’s Replicated Website tool! Setting up your customized URL is easy and convenient. It allows you to share your business with potential customers, who can purchase products directly and effortlessly without needing to enter your ID number.

As a Synergy Team Member, you own your very own website. It’s a “replicated website,” meaning it looks and functions similar to our company’s standard website, The biggest difference: it’s yours! It’s attributed to you, and when your customers use it to make a purchase, your business gets the credit.

The URL of your replicated website is automatically distinguished by your Team Member ID number. However, you can customize and have your own unique URL by naming it yourself.

Example: John Doe, whose ID number is 12345, had the replicated website URL “” automatically assigned to him. He can easily customize his URL, and share “” with his customers and contacts.

Customized URLs for your replicated website can be more memorable, professional, and personal. Log in to your Synergy account and customize your URL today!


Replicated website URLs can be shared in the following formats:


Replicated Website URL Restrictions:

1. URLs cannot contain any profane or offensive words.**
2. URLs cannot contain any specific Synergy product names (i.e. ProArgi-9+, e9, Trulum).**
3. URLs cannot contain any mention of disease or health conditions (i.e. diabetes, high blood pressure).**
4. URLs cannot contain anything resembling an income claim.**

Your website URL is ready to customize today. So make it your own and share away! For step-by-step instructions on how to customize your URL, click here.

Note: Don’t worry! If you decide to change your replicated website URL, your customers who are used to using your Team Member ID number can still use that even if you change your URL. Your ID number will always be valid.

*You will still be able to share your old replicated site URL with your member ID number even if you customize your URL.
**If your chosen URL blatantly interferes with another established Synergy business or is found to be obstructive in any way, you may be asked to make a change. Synergy WorldWide reserves the right to reject a name if it is deemed offensive or obstructive by our compliance team.

April Achievements 2020

April Achievements 2020

We extend sincere congratulations to the dedicated Synergy Team Members sharing Elite Health across North America. In April of 2020, the men and women listed below advanced to new ranks of success in their business. It is our privilege to recognize them for the time and energy they have invested into reaching their goals, and helping people unlock their potential. Please join us in congratulating the following Team Members across North America:


Stanley Jordan
Jon Yohay

Gregory Jacobs
Young Lee
Basil Cumberbatch
Roger Husbands
Rachel Purcell
Dr. Ed Rodgers
Cascade Chripractic of South Dakota
Jill Jeffery
Jon Yohay
Kathy-Ann Snagg

TOP RECRUITER Team Members with the most personally sponsored Tracking Centers

Dr. Jim Sandberg
Bobby Dechiaro
Jacinth Waldron
Roger Husbands
Edwin Kerner
Thomas Moore
Wayne Sutton
Dr. Kevin Miller
Dan Hammer

TOP TEAM BUILDER Team Members with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

Dr. Jim Sandberg
O’Neil Cattnell
Dan Hammer
Earlwaine Cumberbatch
Roger Husbands
Winston Cumberbatch
Stanley Jordan
Paul Blad
Ruday Pedroza

Revitalize Your Morning Routine

Revitalize Your Morning Routine

The way you start your morning impacts the quality of your day. If you start out feeling stressed and anxious rather than rejuvenated, it may be a sign that you need to update your morning routine. Finding a routine that works for you can provide the boost you need to conquer the day ahead. Follow these quick tips to make the most out of your mornings:

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Eating a good breakfast in the morning is essential to a healthy morning routine. For a perfectly balanced and delicious breakfast on-the-go, mix three scoops of SLMsmart Meal Replacement into 10 fl oz of milk or water. When you skip breakfast, your body reacts by conserving energy and slowing down your metabolism which causes you to have less energy throughout the day. Each person has different caloric needs, but it is important to eat something when starting out your day.

Start the Day with Exercise

First things first. Before beginning your morning exercise routine, rev up with ProArgi-9+ or e9. And remember, you don’t have to go for a 5-mile run every morning to boost your energy levels. Starting the morning with 20 minutes of yoga is all your body needs to re-energize upon waking from a good night’s sleep. Yoga is especially beneficial because it gets your heart rate up while simultaneously improving your flexibility, posture, balance, muscle tone, and endurance. Yoga is accessible to everyone, and with various levels of difficulty, everyone can find a yoga routine that works for them.

Read or Write

Before the day begins, sit down for a few minutes and write your thoughts and goals in a journal. Journal writing can help unload some of your stresses and ease your mind. Writing for just 10 minutes in the morning can help you focus on yourself, create self-awareness, and give you the opportunity to think about how you can best capitalize on your day.

If you don’t feel like writing, take a few minutes to read a few pages of a good book. Immerse yourself in the words of others and enjoy this peaceful time alone to jump-start your brain before you start your day.

Follow a Schedule

Following a morning schedule can help you maintain organization and focus. Perhaps you start with a quick yoga session, then take a shower and get ready, followed by a healthy breakfast. The important thing about a routine isn’t necessarily the order in which you do things, but rather defining and keeping that order to streamline your mornings and start the day with productive habits.