Elite Honors Spotlight: Cheuntel Kunkler

Elite Honors Spotlight: Cheuntel Kunkler

elitehonors-spotlightsMonth after month, Team Members are discovering just how much is attainable when they set a goal to become Elite Honors Qualified each month. Team Members who have qualified multiple months are seeing the fruits of their labors and some are going the extra mile by maintaining their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite Promotion bonus.

Cheuntel Kunkler, a Star from California, is a healer who helps people regain their health through natural remedies. She created a wellness program for her clients that includes Synergy products. After changing her poor health around, she found purpose in helping others do the same thing. She turned to nutrition and ingredients that are found in Synergy products to help her on her journey to wellness. Cheuntel has been an entrepreneur for 25 years and a Synergy Team Member for two years.
Due to her background in entrepreneurism, she said she has been introduced to a number of direct selling companies, but found that Synergy WorldWide fit best with her personal beliefs and goals.

Her Synergy business has been primarily focused on bringing in customers, but now that her customers have built a belief in the product, Cheuntel as seen a growing interest in her customers wanting to become distributors.

“My sponsor Bill Muth encouraged me to sign up two distributors in October, so I did both the last day of the month! I work full time and usually do 10-12 massages per day, so I have a lot on my plate, so I rely on the people who come through my studio door to become my customers and distributors. I keep Synergy product in stock in my studio at all times and I get a lot of customers this way. I make my Synergy business part of what I do every day.

I’m driven to help others, and through Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion I’m rewarded for helping, which is amazing. I do what I can to help people every day and Synergy is part of my toolbox. I researched Synergy for a long time before signing up. I have high expectations because I’m extremely organic and only purchase products have not been treated with chemicals, but Synergy’s integrity and its products are up to par with my standards.”

HydraPour Water Enrichment System


Enjoy clean, healthy, ionized, alkaline water virtually anywhere and at anytime.

Naturally ionized water with a high level of Oxidation Reduction Potential neutralizes free radicals.


Uses the same process which Mother Nature has used for millions of years to produce alkaline water without electricity or harsh chemicals.

Water Enrichment System

Patent-pending water enrichment technology that naturally transforms the qualities of tap and bottled waters.

No electricity
No chlorine

No plumbing
No wasted water

No pollution


Hydrapour utilizes only gravity and proprietary Energy & Mineral Infusion Technology to fortify water with natural, rare earth minerals. The result is fresh, pure, health-giving and delicious drinking water with remarkable physical benefits.

What is Royal Velumina?

What is Royal Velumina?


Royal Velumina is nature’s superfood, essential to building and maintaining optimum health. Royal Velumina’s main ingredient is our own Super Colostrum, an enhanced colostrum with 14% more Proline Rich Peptides (PRP). PRPs boost a weak immune system and suppress an overactive one. This is essential in keeping a balanced immune system, the key to perfect health. The second ingredient in Royal Velumina is Inulin (chicory fiber which is a natural form of probiotic). Together with Super Colostrum it forms our unique Growth and Immune Factor Therapy (G.I.F.T.) that provides the raw materials necessary for cellular regeneration and repair.

Then we add 4 other natural synergistic ingredients, such as the energy blend of Brazilian Yerba Mate, Panax Gingseng, D-Ribose, and the antioxidant power of blueberry. Last but not least, Royal Velumina is enhanced with patented Young Tissue Extract (YTE) from Norway.

With Royal Velumina, you have the most perfectly balanced and effective supplement for human health and well-being, far superior to any other natural food source.

When you take Royal Velumina® daily, every cell in your body is nourished with Growth Factors, Immune Factors, natural energy, essential nutrients, and other health enhancing ingredients.VELA_RV4

The WOW Factor: 89 Growth Factors, 92 Immune Factors

VELA_GIFTThe secret to feeling young forever is maintaining the body’s optimal ability to support a strong and balanced immune system, and the ability to heal itself (cellular repair and regeneration). Luckily, nature has provided us with a natural, balanced, and safe solution found in our G.I.F.T.

GIFT (Super Colostrum and Inulin) in Royal Velumina contains 89 Growth Factors. Some of these include: Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs), Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1), Platelet-Derived Growth Factors (PDGF), and Transforming Growth Factors (TGF-alpha & TGF-beta). G.I.F.T. also provides 92 Immune Factors to help maintain optimal health, which include: IgG, IgM, IgD, IgA, Ig, Cytokines, Lactoferrin, Lysozymes, Lactalbumin, Lacto-peroxide, and Proline-Rich Peptides.
The “AHA” Factor: YTE to Lower Your Cortisol

YTE® is essential life giving embryonic material extracted from a 9-day old fertilized avian egg. This source tissue must be taken on the 9th day of incubation, because it is at its peak in life forming ingredients that will be used to develop an embryo on the 10th day. This patented ingredient from Norway contains high amounts of FibroBlast Growth Factors (FGF) and other active constituents that are effective in lowering cortisol levels. Several studies have shown that YTE effectively helps improve mental and emotional well-being by lowering the level of cortisol. The addition of YTE makes Royal Velumina a gift to your health that keeps you healthy physically and mentally.

October 2015 Elite Honors Qualifiers

October 2015 Elite Honors Qualifiers


Team Members are still charging full steam ahead in pursuit of becoming Elite Honors Qualified for the first time or maintaining the EHQ title. The Elite Honors program is streamlining the way organizations do business with Synergy WordWide while maximizing each Team Member’s earning potential. Team Members following the program are seeing the extra rewards that are made possible through the Go Elite promotion as they continue doing what they’ve been doing all along—building their Synergy businesses.

Congratulations to the October 2015 qualifiers

Qualify for Elite Honors 1 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors pin, recognition letter, and online recognition. Qualify 3 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors Club Card, which can be used for a number of event perks, including VIP registration, special product promotions, and more!

David Johnston
Dane Iorg
Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza
DNC Marketing
Mark Comer
Steve Seely
Dan Hammer Health
Corrine Brandi
Dr. David B. Burnett
Belva Snow
Sandra Rangel
Dianne Sandberg
Natural Cardio Solutions
Scott Jacobs & Melanie O’Neill
Michael Billauer
BG Global Enterprises, LLC
MDB International
Cheuntel Kunkler
Daniel J. McNabb
John A. Wittekind
K. Roger Carter
Nathan L. Fowers
Jared A. Chadburn
Steve & Julie Russon
Nick Neufeld
Soomee Kim
Young Hee Kim
Scott Lovelace

To learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion, click here.

Congratulations to everyone who has achieved Elite Honors so far and a special congratulations to those who have achieved Elite Honors multiple times. We are impressed by your work ethic and belief, and we thank you for the examples you are to all those working toward building their Synergy businesses.

November is already off to a great start. Let’s keep the momentum going! Train your team on the importance of becoming Elite Honors qualified through the Synergy Opportunity Webinar as you achieve this highly sought after title yourself. Can’t wait to see the success that this month brings. Good luck!

Are Synergy Products “Organic”?

Are Synergy Products “Organic”?

When it comes to nutritional supplements, you deserve superior quality. One of the most frequent product questions we answer in our Customer Service department and on our manufacturing tours is, “Are Synergy products organic?”

As many of you may know, the term “organic” refers to a plant growing method that does not use synthetic chemicals. The extensive farm audits and raw material testing our quality control team performs ensures that all of our herbs and raw materials meet organic standards. Because of our strict internal testing, we do not pursue third party organic certification for any of our finished products. The organic certification process is primarily for marketing purposes.

When applicable, our purchasing department will look for organic-certified ingredients. However, several ingredients are not candidates for organic certification. Plants that are wild-crafted are not grown on farms, and hence cannot be certified organic. We obtain several herbs from outside of the U.S., and very few countries outside the U.S. have any kind of standard for organic certification. We only partner with suppliers that meet our strict quality standards. The extensive inspections and audits our teams conduct on each supplier and their products ensures that our herbs meet organic standards.

When you purchase from Synergy WorldWide, you are guaranteed products with no residue from fertilizers, pesticides or other types of contamination.

Remember, if an independent organization has a product with an organic certification, this certification does not necessarily mean the product contains high quality ingredients. Organic items can still be contaminated through water sources unknown to the growers. The real proof is in the testing, which Synergy conducts according to the strictest quality assurance practices in the industry.

You can be sure that we provide the highest quality products with the highest purity standards.