New year, new SLMsmart 90-day Challenge!

New year, new SLMsmart 90-day Challenge!


What are your New Year’s resolutions? You may have a resolution to be stronger, healthier, and closer to your target weight, and you’re far from alone in this pursuit. In fact, the No. 1 resolution made in 2016 is weight management, while the No. 5 resolution is becoming fitter and healthier.

Begin your journey to a better you beginning February 1, 2016. All are welcome to join!

And the best part? The 90-day Challenge participant with the most impressive transformation will receive a $1,500 CASH PRIZE!

Make the decision to join the 2016 SLMsmart 90-day Challenge and recruit your friends and family to join you. Full Challenge details will be released Friday, January 15.

CLICK HERE to see last year’s SLMsmart 90-day Challenge results.

Happy New Year Synergy WorldWide!

Happy New Year Synergy WorldWide!


Like each of you, I’m excited to get to work in 2016. Your tenacity, confidence, and desire to make a difference made 2015 another successful year for Synergy WorldWide, and I know 2016 will be no different. As a company, we have the leaders, the products, and the tools to achieve the loftiest of goals. If you haven’t already set your goals for this year, write them down and share them with your team. Create a system of accountability and set yourself up for success.

From September through November of 2015, I had the opportunity to attend Synergy Summits around the world. It’s always a pleasure to congratulate so many of our Team Members who have achieved new pin titles – this is a true reflection of the success in each of our markets. I congratulate each one of you who rank advanced this last year. I especially want to recognize the new executive ranks that have been achieved since the 2014 Summits:

Presidential Executive
Kim Young Cheon, Korea
Ni Nyoman Pariani & Nyoman Soma Legawa, Indonesia

Diamond Executive
Hakan Cetin, Austria
Jin Chul Kim, Korea
Ji-Young Yoon, Korea

Emerald Executive
Jeong Yoo Tae, Korea
Kamphol Preechasirichok, Thailand

Pearl Executive
Susanne and Thorsten Kupske, Germany
Giuseppe Lucio, Italy
Jeon Chang Hui, Korea
Him Young Mi & Kim Ho Joong, Korea
Elfriede Tappauf, Austria
So Ming Bang, Korea
Edward Ahn, Korea
Tatsuaki Hatano, Japan
I Wayan Pardika Rusiama, Indonesia
Satomi & Hiroshi Yoshida, Japan
Nipon Rungraweesrisasithorn, Thailand
Eun Sim Kim, Korea

These executive ranks are a true indicator of the health of each market. New up and coming leaders are emerging around the world and helping strengthen our company’s brand and position in the marketplace. I could not be happier for each of these individuals who are leading their markets and this company with energy and passion.

A quote by Mark Twain states, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

As we begin this New Year, this is my invitation to you. Think back to the day when you joined Synergy WorldWide – whether it was days, months or years. What was your dream? How did you feel on day one? As individuals we cannot grow without challenges, so expect that they will come. However, never lose sight of where you’re heading, never give up on your dreams. Through hard work, consistency, and optimism, we have the ability to do anything we set our minds to. So in 2016, I encourage you to explore, to dream, and to discover your true potential. This year will be a pivotal point in the future of this great company and I need you to be a part of it.

Wishing you the best,

Dan Norman
Synergy WorldWide

Elite Honors Program Enhancement

Elite Honors Program Enhancement

Since its introduction in June 2015, Synergy’s Elite Honors Program has provided a systematic approach for Team Members to build a sustainable and successful long-term business with Synergy WorldWide.

In an effort to simplify and streamline this program globally, Synergy is adjusting the volume requirements as follows.

TC1 Volume: 650 CV
Activation Volume: 150 CV

Tracking Center 1 (TC1) volume represents a combination of personal and customer volume. Activation volume represents the CV that comes into your organization from personally sponsored activations.

This enhancement is effective immediately, as of January 1, 2016.


Beginning February 1, Synergy will implement a new and simplified Go Elite Bonus payout structure in North America. Get all the details and find out how much you can earn on our 2016 Kickoff Call, Wednesday, January 13 at 7 p.m. (MST).

ShaneGreerShane Greer, North America General Manager, will give you all the details and will outline exciting things ahead in 2016. Don’t miss it!

2016 Kickoff Call
Wednesday, January 13
7 p.m. (MST)
Phone: 1-800-832-4695
Pin: 8909#

2016 will be another great year – make sure you’re a part of it!

5 Things to Say Goodbye to in the New Year

5 Things to Say Goodbye to in the New Year

Get your party hats and noise makers ready, because it’s almost 2016! As entrepreneurs and Synergy Team Members, you are most likely noting your personal and team business goals at this very second in preparation for a fruitful New Year. For the best results, devise attainable goals and then create an action plan that makes you stick to those goals.

An estimated 24% of goal setters continue working toward their New Year’s resolutions for more than a few weeks. Be part of the group that conquers in 2016. Set yourself up to be successful by getting rid of these five things that are toxic to your business goals:

1. Clutter

As a Synergy distributor, chances are you work from home. Do you have stacks of forms and handouts on your desk and counters? Are your business materials scattered around your house? If your answer is “yes,” it’s time to tidy up! Research shows that clean, organized spaces prompt increased productivity. As you physically clean your workspace, you’ll find that your thinking space feels cleaner, too, and you’ll be able to execute tasks with greater efficiency.

2. Wasted Time

Nowadays, it’s almost too easy to let precious hours slip between your fingers thanks to the TV marathons of your favorite shows, the addictive games and limitless information contained within your smart devices, and the always beckoning social media sites. The digital world is a beautiful and dangerous thing. Make sure you’ve accomplished everything on your day’s to-do list, before rewarding yourself with an hour of mindlessly channel surfing and Facebook scrolling.

3. Negativity

The voices in your head have a powerful, yet subtle, influence on what you’re able to accomplish. If you tell yourself you cannot accomplish one of your goals, well, you’ve already failed. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your abilities. Forgive yourself for making mistakes. If you have a disappointing week, look forward to the next week’s potential. As you make an effort to be optimistic every day, in every situation, people will gravitate toward you and your positive outlook will give you hope for the future.

4. Blame

Life would be too easy if your plans always went the way you wanted them to. The struggles you experience can help you develop a certain skillset that makes you valuable and unique. While facing trying situations, take responsibility for your mistakes and quickly correct them. Stay away from blaming certain individuals or circumstances that you believe contributed to difficulties. This will bring about a negative atmosphere that suffocates your business. Stop pointing the finger and start tactfully addressing the issues at hand to improve business performance.

5. Procrastination

New goals are hard to digest at first. They’re intimidating and can feel unattainable. With this attitude, you may feel like the safest thing to do is put it off until tomorrow. Before you know it, a month has passed and you haven’t moved a single step closer to your objective. This is the ultimate recipe for disaster. Begin working toward a goal by starting small. Plan your daily activities the night before and get to work soon after you wake up. By taking a few large or small steps in the right direction every day, you will eventually arrive at your desired destination.

Leave a Legacy of Charity

Leave a Legacy of Charity

basketbrigade4When Dan Higginson founded Synergy WorldWide in 1999, he had a clear vision of what this company would represent. He wanted the people who associated with Synergy to work from their hearts. He wanted to make a difference around the world and give others the opportunity to Leave a Legacy of health and financial freedom.

It’s the perfect time of year to consider how you can help others who are struggling. Many Team Members have considered how they can make a difference and have changed many lives through their actions. What can you do to Leave a Legacy of charity? Focus on what you can do. Small steps turn into miles. No act of charity is ever wasted.

If you are looking for a way to give back, consider donating to 5 Star Legacy Foundation, Synergy’s partner in charity that exists to alleviate the suffering of children, their families, and their communities by breaking the cycle of poverty through literacy, higher education scholarships, and self-reliance through entrepreneurism.

Stories from Team Members throughout Europe have proven that Dan’s vision has turned into a daily reality. Here are a few:

Dora Debeljak, Slovenia

Charity-12376120_10206942567877055_8315610580566509189_nJust in time for Christmas, Dora donated money through a local charity chapter founded by Team Directors Bostjan Pilej and Irena Kladivar, to deliver food, clothing, and hope to those who are struggling during the holiday season. Dora and other Slovenia Team Members raised €1500 to create 100 baskets for families in need. Because of these Team Members’ decision to donate, 33 families who would have gone hungry on Christmas Day will receive a special delivery that includes all of the makings for a beautiful Christmas dinner.

Mirva Martikainen, Finland

Mirva, a nurse and Synergy distributor of four years, experienced her most successful business year in 2015. To celebrate her and her team’s success with Synergy WorldWide, Mirva decided to donate something to a local children’s hospital. She obtained a list of items in various price categories that Finland’s children’s hospitals are in need of. She settled on purchasing an infusion rest chair for child cancer patients so that they can have comfortable place to relax while receiving treatments. As Mirva continues to build her business and find greater financial success, she plans to increase the size and frequency of her donations.

Paul, Kate, and Saxon Flint, United Kingdom
Synergy Team Members Paul and Kate are the full-time supporters of an ambitious, warmhearted, 9-year-old son named Saxon who has made it a hobby to raise money for the less fortunate. His most recent project is raising money to send 10 children to school in Mpongwe, Zambia. By raising just £1,200, these children will receive an education and one meal per day for a year. Saxon also raises money for charities by baking cookies, cakes, and more to sell in bake sales he organizes himself.

We are so touched by the acts of kindness, both big and small, displayed every day by Synergy Team Members. Continue improving lives one charitable act at a time, and you will find the greatest riches the world can offer.