New Triple Presidential Executive: Mark Comer

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New Triple Presidential Executive: Mark Comer

triple-markcomerPrior to joining Synergy WorldWide, Mark founded several companies in multiple industries, and became a millionaire in 5 different business sectors. He has been involved in the creation of multiple entrepreneurial initiatives and venture-capitalized startups located on every continent. Mark has ridden motorcycles, surfed or played in a rock band on nearly every continent. He is a best-selling author, philanthropist, business strategist, and entrepreneur expert.

Though Mark has started and contributed to more than 50 businesses in his lifetime, he maintains that his most rewarding enterprise is with Synergy WorldWide. Mark’s Synergy career began as a distributor in 2002 after founder Dan Higginson introduced him to the budding company. This was Mark’s first and last network marketing company. Since their conversation, Synergy has grown exponentially. In the summer of 2008, Mark became the first Double Presidential Executive in Synergy history. And in March of 2016, he and his partner Yun Tae Hwang became the first-ever Triple Presidential Executives.

Mark is still heavily involved in the handful of his own companies, promoting everything from fundraising to sunflower seeds to medical devices; however, Mark said he finds a way to make all of his business ventures tie into his Synergy business. Synergy is at the center of his success.

During the Internet boom, Mark started an online mall that he said was one of his most exciting business ventures. The company was a huge success, but, looking back, Mark realizes he didn’t have the same satisfaction then that he currently finds in his Synergy business.

“The Synergy business is a personal business,” Mark said. “You are helping people on such a personal level to change their health, change their family’s health, and you are giving them the opportunity to create a livelihood for their family unlike anything else they’ve ever done before.”

In Mark’s mind, Synergy’s corporate team “gets it,” which means everyone from Customer Service to the president understands that the key to success is supplying distributors and customers with the tools necessary to succeed. Distributors have the vehicle to find success, they just need to jump in and drive, he said. He encourages distributors to expect hard work, but to also expect unimaginable rewards as a result. With Synergy, the Team Member dictates the level of success they want to achieve.

“I met a girl a few years ago that told me she would become a Presidential Executive,” Mark said. “She worked really hard and two years later she did it. That’s more exciting to me than anything I’ve ever done. It’s about what people have been able to do in my organization and their life-changing experiences.”

Mark is one of 14 Team  Members who rank advanced to a new executive pin title in March. He and his business partner Yun Tae Hwang broke new ground as they achieved a title that has never been achieved before: Triple Presidential Executive. CLICK HERE to read more.

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