Heart Health Month 2021 Recap

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Heart Health Month 2021 Recap

Heart Health Month 2021 was a complete success! In case you need a recap, we raised $25,000 to donate to The Heart Center at Primary Children’s Hospital. Check out our official Press Release for the full scoop.

Julia Saxton, Corporate and Foundation Relations Director for Primary Children’s Hospital received our check which was presented by Terrence Moorehead, Chief Executive Officer, and Nate Brower, President of the Impact Foundation. This generous donation provided direct support for cutting-edge cardiac equipment and assisted families with children currently enrolled as patients in the hospital. 

Not only did we give the gift of better heart health with Primary Children’s Hospital, but we got to share the good news on ABC4 News— highlighting the Impact Foundation and the incredible individuals who helped this cause. 

Thanks to your generous support, we were able to impact many small hearts. But this is just the beginning. This February, we’re once again raising funds for The Heart Center at Primary Children’s Hospital. Join us, and make a heartfelt impact in 2022. 

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