6x, 3x Elite Honors qualifiers

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6x, 3x Elite Honors qualifiers

In June, dozens of Synergy North America Team Members achieved Elite Honors qualification for the sixth month in a row. In addition, we want to applaud all of the individuals who achieved Elite Honors qualification for the third time in April, May, or June.

Synergy congratulates each of the six-time and three-time Elite Honors qualifiers listed below!

We thank you for the efforts you are making to help people unlock their potential and achieve Elite Health.

For more information about the Elite Honors program, please click here.

6x Elite 2400

Dan Hammer

Anna Bergman

Dr. David Sim

Bonnie Tompkins

Scott Rosang

6x Elite 1200

Dane Iorg
Cliff & Janice Rosang
David Munoz
D. Michael Quigg
Arnold Bord
Dr. Steve Amodeo
Sandra Kerner

6x Elite 600

Dianne & Lorin Leavitt
David Davidson
Dr. Prendergast
Charlene Burnett
Reed Burnett
Brent Burnett
Joel Estrellado
Dr. David B. Burnett
Robert Wischmeier
Nathan Yoder
Joy Matwyshen
Belva Snow
Mary Blakley
Westlake Body Contouring LLC
Willa F. Holgate
Sarah Harms
Betsy Munoz
Judy Feldhausen
Dr. Charina Holmes
Brad burnett
Michael Burnett
Margie Dean
Paul R Dean
Jennifer Lewis
Maile Burnett
Gary Burnett
Peter Burnett
Nathan L. Fowers
Jared A. Chadburn
Patricia Fowers
Stacey Burnett
Eva de Santiago
Peggy Freeman
Michelle Fuller
William Burnett
Joshua Burnett
Marion Sczesny
Paul Limon
Tiffany Burnett
Carole Burnett
Robert H. Grant
Terrance Cardon
Lori Burnett
Dr Bob Armstrong
Heather Jarvis
Gail Little
Nina Burnett
Wandie Drake
Alejandro Zurita
Heather Drake
Armondo Dubon

3x Elite 1200

Dr. Timothy Bortz

Dr. Brian Prax

Richard Matwyshen

3x Elite 600

Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza
DNC Marketing
Gerri Bingham
Craig Baker
Dawn Norton
Renee La Montagne
Eva Miller
Dwayne & Sandy Schmidek
Brian Hawthorne
Linda Hansen
Kerry Heitkotter
Barbara Hostetler
Dr. Corey Gray
Janie Vincent
Dianna Wimberly
Matt Lewis
Shar Ostrem
Malinee Jung
Noel Evora
Dr. Kevin Miller
Shannon Bone
Dr. Daren Bowlby
Everton Longley
Oliver Sczesny
Tia Barela
Jeff Scott
Amanda Flores
Shantelle Dawson
Teresa Rivera
Jesus Rivera
Cliffton Salter
William Mills
Brenda & Gary Smestad
Bart Woodcook
Lee Edwards
Ken & Mary Richeaux
Ron Steinkirchner
Mary Lynn V. Beazer-Marsh
Wilma Guffey
Nancy Kerbs
Wesley Anzai
Betsy C. Bartlett
Vibramed Holistic Health LTD
Jimmy Chisum
Kurt Ochsner
Rising Dawn Inc.
Dr. Don Salyer
Judith Allen
Michelle Morrison
Dr. Jack Kucheran
David Miller
Monte R. Stamper
Dr. Richard Johnson
Michelle M. Dean
Elizabeth Blanchard
Dr Anthony Galante
Margie Hincks
Alicia Limon
Monica Vargas
Anastasia Haner
Penny Murphy
Dr. Ruben Garcia
Dr. Ardie Singh
Dawn Huiet
David Medina
Melissa Krecic
Jonathan Blythe
Dr. Gary Veytsman
Christopher Richards
Carl Scott
Donna Goff
Michael Jones
Prescious When
Ray Owens
Amanda Cluff
Christopher Marquez
James  Henderson
Michelle Moreno
Daniel Culton
Katherine Culton
Terry Coulton
Marlin Miller
Cherise  Hopper
Bonnie Smith
Camilla Apancio
Dayna Mendoza
Dezi Perez
Maurilla Trejo
Constance Hernandez
Subation Ortiz
Jennifer Burnett
Prentiss Pegues
Ralph Salter
Susan Bober
Janice Marie Smith
Keith Hampton
Adrian Dutkevich
Dr. David Eade
Tommy Dunn
Anita Beachy
Mindy Weber
Alora Owler
O’Neill Cattnell
Dr. Josh Nelson
Tera Cottle
Austin Cottle
Travis Cottle

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