Legacy Retreat 2015 Recap Video and Photos

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Legacy Retreat 2015 Recap Video and Photos

The unique culture and grandiose attractions in Dubai made it the perfect destination for this year’s Legacy Retreat. Everyone who attended was awed by their experiences, from indoor skiing and skydiving, to riding camels, to looking over Dubai’s impressive landscape from the tallest building in the world. We have never had a Legacy Retreat anywhere quite like it!

Enjoy the recap video and photos that will show you just how special this year’s Legacy Retreat was. We hope to see you at Legacy Retreat 2016!

Click here to view Legacy Retreat photos


Click here to view recap videos from previous Legacy Retreats:

View the 2014 Legacy Retreat in Oahu here >>>

View the 2013 Legacy Retreat in Atlantis here >>>

View the 2012 Legacy Retreat in Kauai here >>>

View the 2011 Legacy Retreat in Maui here >>>

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